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  • 网络会声会影;科立尔
  1. Application of Database Accessing Technology Based on ADO in Corel Draw


  2. Automatic Trace of Vector Graphics Based on Corel Trace


  3. In order to evaluate the system , we do the experiments based on the Corel 10000 image database .


  4. It 's like corel or something , isn 't it ? Should wear that more often .


  5. The system is been compared with the SIMPLIcity system in Corel image library , and the experiment results show that the system has better retrieval precision .


  6. Experiments performed on COREL image database also show the efficacy of our method . 4 . Relevance feature mapping and its applications to CBIR .


  7. Experimental results based on the Corel image database show that the proposed algorithm has significant improvements on the performance indicators compared to the approaches that based on the global features .


  8. The involvement of Corel for a time assisted the project , chiefly by employing Julliard and others to work on it .


  9. Taking the process of making the dynamic map of the Qichun 's population change as example , this paper introduces the way of making dynamic map by Corel R.


  10. Four datasets are retrieved from Corel image database by color histogram , color coherence vector , PWT and Hu moments respectively , which input the image recognition experimental system .


  11. Especially , MMRF achieved 0.36 and 0.31 in average recall arid average precision respectively on 263 keywords in Corel data set . This remains a very competitive performance on Corel data set .


  12. Experimental Results Prove the Effectiveness of the Algorithm . 3 . in Order to Improve the Time Performance of Retrieval and Feedback . the Corel Image Database Is Classified Using the Svm . the Method for Svm-based Image Classification Using Color Features .


  13. Connected with the illustration-making standard of Journal of Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology , the processing methods of point-line illustrations in chemical papers through image processing softwares , such as Photoshop , Corel Draw , etc , were introduced .
