Actually you can take the subway and get off at Sixtieth street .
A minute is the sixtieth part of hour .
He died in his sixtieth year .
He is to retire on his sixtieth birthday .
Today is the sixtieth anniversary of our country 's independence .
Performance Theory has been put forward by American folklore between sixtieth and seventieth in twenty century .
Save 10 percent out of one s monthly pay A minute is the sixtieth part of an hour .
My grandmother 's celebrating her sixtieth birthday on sunday .
From the first to the sixtieth year of the Qianlong dynasty , punishment for corruption crime had never been stopped .
Until She has worked as an air-hostess until past her sixtieth birthday .
It will be Grandma 's sixtieth birthday .
In the nineteen sixtieth of 20th century , people from all levels of the society started to pay attention to Corporate Social Responsibility due to the exposed shortcomings in industrial evolution .
The sixtieth Anniversary of the Victory of the Anti-fascist War in the World & Preface to the Second ( or the Third ) Edition of The Second World War
China , a Country in Rapid Development : Commemorating the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Founding of the People 's Republic of China , with a Look at Prospects for the Twenty-first Century
The measurement technology of SAW is always an important topic in the SAW field . The detection of SAW by laser has entered the upsurge since laser came forth at the sixtieth year of 20 century .
At the same time , the sixtieth item stated , the shareholder of one person limited corporation assumed testify obligation for corporation possession autonomously own possession , otherwise it would assume the unfavorable outcome , it was special stipulation .
Now in the hundred and sixtieth year Alexander the son of Antiochus , surnamed the Illustrious , came up and took Ptolemais , and they received him , and he reigned there .
In contrast , in the northern hemisphere , the lands lying above the sixtieth parallel of latitude include much of Scandinavia , Siberia and Alaska , all of Greenland and Iceland , with a total population of several million .
Feminism reached the popular consciousness in the sixtieth with the leadership of women like Gloria Steinem , Betty Friedan , and Angela Davis ; the passage of the Civil Rights Act prohibiting employment discrimination , and a lot of media exposure .