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  • 网络业务生成环境点;简单证书注册协议;脊髓诱发电位;诱发电位;皮层诱发电位
  1. Results In 4 month , 8 month experimental groups , the chronic spinal cord lesion changes were found : thinning and swelling of myelin , decreasing of the number of large fibers , increasing of the number of small fibers , the latency of SCEP prolonged and so forth .


  2. Application of the financial changes statement ── the SCEP based on the working capital


  3. Results : There were significant differences between oxygenated compound liquid group and control one ( P < 0.01 ) in motor function assessment and SCEP parameters .


  4. Aim To explore the monitoring effect of the somatosensory cortical evoked potential ( SCEP ) on the tractive spinal cord injury .


  5. Conclusions ( 1 ) The changes of SCEP P1 wave can reflect the function of spinal cord more objectively than that in the latency .


  6. The toxic effects were observed by ethology , spinal cord evoked potential ( SCEP ) and pathologic changes before and after intrathecal injection .


  7. Objective In order to find new treatment for spinal cord injury ( SCI ), the change of SCEP and the effect of GS on it after SCI are studied .


  8. It is suggested that acupuncture can promote recovery of SCEP amplitude after spinal cord injury , and further indicated that acupuncture treatment has reliable therapeutic effect on acute spinal cord injuries .


  9. During spine surgery , 55 patients had spinal cord evoked potential ( SCEP ) monitoring of the spinal cord from Mar. 1990 to Dec. 1992 . No one case complicated with irreversible neurological damage .


  10. Spinal cord evoked potential ( SCEP ) elicited by posterior tibial nerve ( PTN ) stimulation was recorded with surface bipolar electrodes placed over the regions corresponding to the lumbosacral , thoracic and lower cervical spine in 16 normal children and 43 children with cerebral palsy ( CP ) .
