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  • 网络人造卫星;随体
  1. The Research Of Software Reliablity Based On the System Of Monitoring Satelite Communications Operation


  2. Research on the Satelite Network Routing Algorithm


  3. How can I position it if I can 't see the satelite ?


  4. Fast acquisition and tracking for the signals of low earth orbit Satelite DSSS Communication Based on Software Radio Platform


  5. The oscillator has been used as second local oscillator of the satelite broadcast televisor .


  6. The satelite vibrations were detected using a CCD instead of the traditional angular sensors , so the tracking system was simplified .


  7. He said that the signature tone of the channeled message and the message itself was broadcast from a satelite .


  8. There are lots of mixed pixels in the low spatial resolution remote sensing images due to the limitation of the resolution of the satelite sensor .


  9. Each of the satelite is contantly sending out the signals .


  10. To suppress harmonic , increase power factor and improve power quality , a suitable scheme for harmonic control and reactive power compensation was formulated according to field-measured datas , collected using Power SATELITE .


  11. The method of DDNP waste-water was introduced . This experiment will use micro-cell treat the DDNP waste-water of satelite chemical factery in column device .


  12. Hunan Satelite TV , with its widely known entertainment programs " Happy Camp " and " Super Girls ", has become the icon in the Chinese television entertainment market in recent years , creating tremendous social and economic benefits .


  13. This article introduces the overall design idea of remote real time monitoring and controlling management system for satelite on one frequency measuring and controlling equipment and the idiographic implementation method of using Delphi 3.0 to developing system . It refers many new techniques of Delphi .
