- n.沙伊

The realization method of the mapping from detail design model to SAJ code is given in this dissertation . 4 .
Guru Saj : It got caught on my watch .
Besides , the type safety of SAJ is proved , which makes the SAJ-based software development safer and more practical . 3 .
Two-Phase Mapping consists of mapping from software architecture design model to detail design model ( SACM-based component model ) and mapping from detail design model to implementation ( SAJ code ) .
Moreover , in the type system of SAJ , the typing rules to ensure such properties as the validity of components connecting and that of the interaction and collaboration among components are given .
Main contributions of this paper include : First , to save the memory , new algorithms for building F & B Index of XML tree model and DAG model , SAJ and SAM , have been proposed .
Aiming at solving the above-mentioned problem , a new component-oriented programming language SAJ is brought into being . One of the features of SAJ is that it supports the core concepts of software architecture in programming language .