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  1. The Pru needs 75 per cent approval from shareholders .


  2. However , the Pru had filed its application to list at the beginning of last month .


  3. In mid-July , Pru shares hit their lowest level since 2005 .


  4. But insiders believe Ping An could show its hand to the Pru at any time .


  5. The investor could take a stake of up to 20 per cent in the Pru .


  6. There is less than a 50 / 50 chance that the deal with Pru gets done .


  7. The deal ultimately failed after Pru shareholders forced the company to renegotiate the price .


  8. A Hong Kong listing could encourage some Asian investors to buy into the Pru ahead of its rights issue .


  9. Yet the question remains whether institutional pressure to prevent the Pru overpaying for AIA is well directed .


  10. And it is into these economies where the Pru has been pushing the most investment .


  11. A final irony here is that incrementalism has served the Pru well so far in Asia .


  12. The holding in the Pru was built up through a nominee account in June and July .


  13. Several institutional investors have asked to meet James Ross , senior independent director on the Pru board , to air concerns .


  14. The three banks , Clifford Chance , the Pru and the FSA , all declined to comment .


  15. For example , the capped partition E has PrU = 2 and VP = 4 .


  16. In a capped partition , you are required to license software in accordance to the PrU value for the partition .


  17. However , losing important staff before the deal has even been approved by shareholders could affect adversely the assets the Pru is buying .


  18. The Pru said yesterday that about 2 per cent of its shares had been registered in Hong Kong ahead of the listing .


  19. And critics of the acquisition , including some of the Pru 's big shareholders , think the firm is overpaying .


  20. This set limit is identified by the Processing Value Unit ( PrU ) metric ( which can also be thought of as physical processor equivalents ) .


  21. Investors have expressed concerns about the price tag for AIA and the Pru 's ability to manage a complex integration in 12 Asian markets .


  22. A person familiar with the Pru added that any discussions about an Asia listing were not formalised or advanced in any way .


  23. So there is an acceptable Plan B. If the Pru has to fall back on that , thank goodness for shareholder activism .


  24. The Pru said in the prospectus for its rights issue released last week that Mr Wilson would remain chief executive of AIA after the takeover .


  25. The Pru has a fund management and insurance joint venture in China with CITIC , the Chinese state-owned investment company , and a presence in 13 countries across the region .


  26. The Pru recently cut a distribution deal with UOB , one of Singapore 's biggest banks , as part of which it took over the company 's own life business .


  27. The Pru has operations in 12 Asian markets and it is this exposure , which would take considerable time to build from scratch , that Ping An will be after .


  28. The Pru still has to get final approval on its prospectus from the UK listing authority , which has a target of approving new versions of such documents within five days .


  29. The chances of the Pru getting a vote in favour of its deal appeared still finely balanced yesterday with a number of investors and analysts saying they remained sceptical .


  30. Before AIG shooed away the Pru , Tim Geithner , Treasury secretary , said he did not want the US to own private companies for a day longer than necessary .
