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  • abbr.密封式武器战(Enclosed Weapon Station);预警信号(Early Warning Signal);预警雷达站(Early Warning Station)
  1. Design of Navy EWS System Based on ACE Design Patterns


  2. Section two is the supporting system of the EWS .


  3. EWS Based Management Application Interface Mechanisms


  4. A Comparison Study on the Definition of Financial Crisis in EWS Model & Use of EVT Theory


  5. Meanwhile , the research content and the realization method has some reference on implementing EWS in other areas .


  6. And it reports not only ews fact but also the intrinsic factor hiding news fact .


  7. Performance Analysis of Overloaded EWS Based on ERTOS


  8. Generally speaking , a web service container ( like Axis or a J2EE server with EWS ) does two things for us .


  9. Embedded web server ( EWS ) is a product combined embedded technology with network technology . It is an important application of embedded technology with development of Internet .


  10. EWS system proves that above method is useful to design a high powered , concision , easy portable and customized embedded window system .


  11. The EWS technology , including its hardware structure , software system , information flow analysis of different application interface , key technology and so on , is described and analyzed .


  12. Conclusions ( 1 ) PNET , EWS and Askin tumor belong to the same family .


  13. The method and process which using UML to model command and control of EWS ( electronic warfare system ) are introduced in this paper , and some examples ar.


  14. With the EWS on the embedded equipment and the browser on the client end , EWS can be used to remote monitor and control .


  15. Yet in China the risks of banking system remain high , so EWS is more necessary for China to maintain a healthy and sustainable development of the macro-economy .


  16. All the codes are realized with C language , therefore , the EWS ' working speed can be raised and the security and the reliability of the system will be enhanced .


  17. Retroperitoneal PNET / EWS : one case report and review of the literature Ultrasonic Technology Assisted Microsurgery Resection of Ventral or Ventrolateral Spinal Schwannomas


  18. ES contain EWS rearrangements .


  19. The embedded web server ( EWS ) can figure out this problem . This paper completes an EWS for WSN to query the information and manage the equipment .


  20. The histological observation suggested that EWS caused enlargement of whole adrenal cortex , lipid infiltration of whole adrenal cortex and some haemorrhages in fascicular zone .


  21. The results were : ( 1 ) EWS caused stagnation of growth and slow increase of body weight . This influence lasted 10 to 20 days after the piglets were weaned .


  22. Conclusions Immunohistochemical detection of FLI-1 is valuable in the diagnosis of EWS / PNET , and can be reliably applied to the differential diagnosis of small round cell tumors .


  23. The first would be to plug Rhino and E4X in using the JAX-RPC and Enterprise Web services ( EWS , also known as JSR109 ) technologies in a J2EE application server .


  24. This paper analysed the effects of the early weaned stresses ( EWS ) on piglets , especially on the digestive physiology , and reviewed some effective nutritional regulation measures to overcome EWS .


  25. EWS is difficult to provide abundant management information compared to SNMP agent because of its limited ability Moreover , every company has its own web server that varied from each other that is disadvantage for standardization .


  26. Moreover , the security methods in the EWS application are discussed . The engineering practice shows that the application system with the EWS breaks through the restriction of traditional communication technique , and raises the efficiency of information usage .


  27. It is important and exigent for Shanghai to build a financial Crisis EWS which can guard against the financial crisis and preserve the safety of Shanghai . What is more important , our country can remain stable .


  28. It is made up of distributing network ( INFI NET ), process control unit ( PCU ), operator interface station ( WSA ), engineering work station ( EWS ) and computer interface unit ( CIU ) .


  29. Afterwards , the EWS of real estate market continue to be explored in theoretical circle . Although the establishment model of EWS has reached a consensus by many scholars , opinions on the specific methodology remain divergent .


  30. The influence last 5 to 10 days after they were weaned . ( 3 ) EWS caused the increase of morbidity of stress diseases which reached 73.19 % after the piglets were weaned , and the mortality was 8.25 % .
