round down

美 [raʊnd daʊn]英 [raʊnd daʊn]
  • 网络四舍五入;向下取整;下舍入;向下舍入;舍去
round downround down


express as a round number
round off the amount
Synonym: round off round out round


  1. Salty tears round down her cheeks into her mouth and she pauses to tastes them before looking more distraught .


  2. A round table-talking down we go .


  3. Suddenly something happened ; the boy-officer groaned , and whirling round sat down on the ground , like a bird shot on the wing .


  4. there 's going to be another round offirings coming down the pike


  5. She shouted ," Bush !" Sam looked round and sat down .


  6. Thus the energy developed by good fighting men is as the momentum of a round stone rolled down a mountain thousands of feet in height .


  7. The Doha round ultimately broke down because of a stand-off between the United States , India , China and the European Union over agricultural trade .


  8. Most shopkeepers don 't like halfpennies and would even prefer to round their prices down if they can 't round them up to the next penny .


  9. And turning round I came down from the mountain and put the stones in the ark which I had made ; and there they are as the Lord gave me orders .


  10. We needed to do decimals to round up and round down numbers


  11. He squeezed off a round as he went down .


  12. This round marks to break down the source of innovative new method known as the 360 ° mark decryption creativity .


  13. Iran wants to meet with the group of six world powers next month in the Turkish city Istanbul , where the previous round of talks broke down in January 2011 .


  14. He and the Badger became very friendly , and after lunch the Badger took him all round his home , down tunnel after tunnel , through room after room .


  15. The fiddler started playing , and away they all went in the dance , twenty pairs at the same time , round and round , down the middle and up again .


  16. The dog faintly and dismally wagged its tail , then lowered his haunches , circled round , and lay down again .


  17. More than 70,000 people voted in the first round to whittle it down to a shortlist of 10 and members of the public now have six weeks to choose which British bird they would like to see represent the country , he said .
