
美 [raʊndz]英 [raʊndz]
  • n.(拳击或摔跤比赛的)回合;阶段;场;轮次;局;比赛阶段
  • v.把(数字)四舍五入;绕过;变圆;(使)成圆形;绕行;(将数字调高或调低)使成为整数
  • round的第三人称单数和复数




  • Round is an adverb and preposition that has the same meanings as ‘around’. Round is often used with verbs of movement, such as ‘walk’ and ‘drive’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘get round’ and ‘hand round’. Round is commoner in British English than American English, and it is slightly more informal.

    round用作副词和介词时与around同义。round常与表示动作的动词连用,如walk和drive,同时也可以用在get round和hand round之类的动词词组中。round在英国英语中比在美国英语中更常用,且略显不正式。

  • 2
    PREP 在…周围;围绕
    To be positioned round a place or object means to surround it or be on all sides of it. To move round a place means to go along its edge, back to the point where you started.

    They were sitting round the kitchen table...


  • 3
    PREP 绕过;到…的另一边
    If you move round a corner or obstacle, you move to the other side of it. If you look round a corner or obstacle, you look to see what is on the other side.

    Suddenly a car came round a corner on the opposite side...


  • 4
    PREP 在…各处;遍及;在…附近
    You use round to say that something happens in or relates to different parts of a place, or is near a place.

    He happens to own half the land round here...


  • 5
    ADV 环绕地;旋转地
    If a wheel or object spins round, it turns on its axis.

    Holes can be worn remarkably quickly by a wheel going round at 60mph...


  • 6
    ADV 朝反方向地;转身地
    If you turn round, you turn so that you are facing or going in the opposite direction.

    She paused, but did not turn round...


  • 7
    ADV 向不同方向地;四处地
    If you move things round, you move them so they are in different places.

    He will be glad to refurnish where possible, change things round and redecorate...


  • 8
    ADV 逐一,挨个(传递)
    If you hand or pass something round, it is passed from person to person in a group.

    John handed round the plate of sandwiches.


  • 9
    ADV 去,到,至(某人的家)
    If you go round to someone's house, you visit them.

    I think we should go round and tell Kevin to turn his music down...


  • 10
    ADV 在某处(无所事事)
    You use round in informal expressions such as sit round or hang round when you are saying that someone is spending time in a place and is not doing anything very important.

    As we sat round chatting, I began to think I'd made a mistake...


  • 11
    round,about和around用作介词和副词时有多种用法,常用于构成短语动词。在大多数情况下,这3个词没有意义上的区别。在美国英语中around比round常用得多。about,around和round均可用于表示没有特定方向的随意运动:It's so romantic up there, flying around in a small plane (乘着小飞机四处翱翔,多么浪漫啊),I spent a couple of hours driving round Richmond (我开车在里士满四处转了几个小时),Police constables walk about with guns on their hips. (警察们胯上别着枪巡逻)。around,about 用作副词可以表示事物通常就在眼前或近在手边,此时不用round,There is a lot of talent around at the moment (目前有很多现成的人才),There are not that many jobs about (现在并没有那么多的工作机会)。

  • 12
    PREP 以…为基础;基于
    If something is built or based round a particular idea, that idea is the basis for it.

    That was for a design built round an existing American engine...


  • 13
    PREP 克服;解决
    If you get round a problem or difficulty, you find a way of dealing with it.

    Don't just immediately give up but think about ways round a problem...


  • 14
    ADV (想法等)转过来,发生改变
    If you win someone round, or if they come round, they change their mind about something and start agreeing with you.

    He did his best to talk me round, but I wouldn't speak to him...


  • 15
    ADV (用于描述以前发生过或定期发生的事情)
    You use round in expressions such as this time round or to come round when you are describing something that has happened before or things that happen regularly.

    In the past, the elections have been marked by hundreds of murders, but this time round the violence has been much more limited...


  • 16
    PREP 周长;围
    You can use round to give the measurement of the outside of something that is shaped like a circle or a cylinder.

    I'm about two inches larger round the waist.


  • 17
    ADV 大约;大概
    You use round in front of times or amounts to indicate that they are approximate.

    I go to bed round 11:00 at night.


  • 18
    PREP-PHRASE 大约;大概
    In spoken English, round about means approximately.

    Round about one and a half million people died.


  • 19
    PHRASE 处处;所有;整个
    You say all round to emphasize that something affects all parts of a situation or all members of a group.

    It ought to make life much easier all round...


  • 20
    PHRASE (在脑海里)萦绕,挥之不去
    If you say that something is going round and round in your head, you mean that you can't stop thinking about it.

    It all keeps going round and round in my head till I don't know where I am.


  • 21
    PHRASE 全年;一年到头
    If something happens all year round, it happens throughout the year.

    Many of these plants are evergreen, so you can enjoy them all year round...


  • 22
    round the corner→ see:corner


  • 1
    N-COUNT 一连串,一系列,一轮(相关的事件,尤指相继发生的事件)
    A round of events is a series of related events, especially one which comes after or before a similar series of events.

    It was agreed that another round of preliminary talks would be held in Peking...


  • 2
    N-COUNT (比赛的)轮,局,场
    In sport, a round is a series of games in a competition. The winners of these games go on to play in the next round, and so on, until only one player or team is left. the third round of the Pilkington Cup...


  • 3
    N-COUNT (拳击、摔跤比赛的)回合
    In a boxing or wrestling match, a round is one of the periods during which the boxers or wrestlers fight.

    He was declared the victor in the 11th round...


  • 4
    N-COUNT (高尔夫球赛的)一场
    A round of golf is one game, usually including 18 holes.

    ...two rounds of golf...


  • 5
    N-COUNT 圆形物
    A round is a circular shape.

    ...small fresh rounds of goats' cheese...


  • 6
    N-COUNT 一片(面包);一个(三明治)
    A round of bread is a slice of bread. A round of sandwiches is a sandwich made from two slices of bread.

    ...four rounds of toast.


  • 7
    N-COUNT 四处拜访;到处走访
    If you do your rounds or your round, you make a series of visits to different places or people, for example as part of your job.

    The consultants still did their morning rounds...


  • 8
    N-COUNT (为在场同伴买的)一巡(饮料)
    If you buy a round of drinks, you buy a drink for each member of the group of people that you are with.

    They sat on the clubhouse terrace, downing a round of drinks...


  • 9
    N-COUNT 一发(子弹);一次(射击)
    A round of ammunition is the bullet or bullets released when a gun is fired.

    ...firing 1650 rounds of ammunition during a period of ten minutes.


  • 10
    N-COUNT 一阵(掌声)
    If there is a round of applause, everyone claps their hands to welcome someone or to show that they have enjoyed something.

    Sue got a sympathetic round of applause.


  • 11
    N-COUNT 轮唱曲
    In music, a round is a simple song sung by several people in which each person sings a different part of the song at the same time.

  • 12
    PHRASE (故事、想法或玩笑)传播,流传,传开
    If a story, idea, or joke is going the rounds or doing the rounds, a lot of people have heard it and are telling it to other people.

    This story was going the rounds 20 years ago.


  • 13
    PHRASE 到各处去;巡回参观
    If you make the rounds or do the rounds, you visit a series of different places.

    After school, I had picked up Nick and Ted and made the rounds of the dry cleaner and the grocery store...



  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 圆的;圆形的;球形的
    Something that is round is shaped like a circle or ball.

    She had small feet and hands and a flat, round face.


  • 2
    ADJ-GRADED (眼睛)瞪圆的,圆睁的
    If someone has round eyes, their eyes are open wide, for example because they are surprised, excited, or afraid.

    The boy sucked his thumb and stared at Hebburn with huge, round eyes.


  • 3
    ADJ 整数的,不计尾数的(以10的倍数表示)
    A round number is a multiple of 10, 100, 1000, and so on. Round numbers are used instead of precise ones to give the general idea of a quantity or proportion.

    A million pounds seemed a suitably round number.



  • 1
    VERB 绕过;绕行;绕道
    If you round a place or obstacle, you move in a curve past the edge or corner of it.

    The house disappeared from sight as we rounded a corner...


  • 2
    VERB 取整;四舍五入
    If you round an amount up or down, or if you round it off, you change it to the nearest whole number or nearest multiple of 10, 100, 1000 and so on.

    We needed to do decimals to round up and round down numbers...


  • 3
    See also:rounded

  1. She gave a creditable performance in the preliminary rounds .


  2. The outcome of the game would determine which team they faced in the knockout rounds .


  3. He 'll never come round to our way of thinking .


  4. There must be a way round the problem .


  5. Her life is one long round of parties and fun .


  6. Losing in the first round was a shock to the system .


  7. This time round it was not so easy .


  8. Are you sure you 've got that on the right way round ?


  9. Two thousand is a nice round number ─ put that down .


  10. The thought kept going round and round in her head .


  11. He repeated none of the errors he 'd made first time round .


  12. A good second round brought him level with the tournament leader .


  13. We finally managed to talk them round to our way of thinking .


  14. Bring the family round one evening ; we 'd love to meet them .


  15. The child was watching it all with big round eyes .


  16. We can get six people round this table at a pinch .


  17. The children have been driving me round the bend today .


  18. We went the long way round .


  19. We did the round trip in two hours .


  20. We walked round to the back of the house .


  21. She shot a 75 in the first round .


  22. The team suffered a shock defeat in the first round .


  23. How do you make the wheels go round ?


  24. He has a round face with a high forehead .


  25. He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round .


  26. I managed to swing them round to my point of view .


  27. Call them and save yourself the bother of going round .


  28. Make it a round figure ─ say forty dollars .


  29. He turned the car round and drove back again .


  30. She looked round at the sound of his voice .
