ring fingers

美 [rɪŋ ˈfɪŋɡərz]英 [rɪŋ ˈfɪŋɡəz]
  • n.无名指(尤指左手的,传统上用以戴结婚戒指)
  • ring finger的复数
ring fingersring fingers

ring fingers


  • 1
    N-COUNT 无名指
    Your ring finger is the third finger of your left or right hand, without counting your thumb. In some countries, people wear a ring on this finger to show that they are engaged or married.

  1. Traders with the most experience and the longest ring fingers indeed made the most profits , the study concluded .


  2. Those with ring fingers longer than index fingers did better on the math part of a standardized test than the reading part .


  3. Measure your index and ring fingers , base to tip .


  4. Use your ring fingers to press the area beneath the eyes .


  5. Female index and ring fingers tend to be about the same length .


  6. The fatigue injury of extensor tendons of middle and ring fingers


  7. You will be surprised to find that you cannot split apart the ring fingers at all .


  8. Objective : To evaluate the long term effect of thumb reconstruction with double island flaps from middle and ring fingers .


  9. Men 's index fingers are generally shorter than their ring fingers , with the difference less pronounced in women .


  10. Men whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers are seen as better bets by women , a study found .


  11. Younger heart attack victims with shorter ring fingers have been found to have depleted levels of testosterone .


  12. The report comes after the couple were spotted wearing bands on their ring fingers in the coastal town last week .


  13. Reversed C-ring flap from the middle and ring fingers for repairing distal degloving injury of the thumb and forefinger


  14. To evaluate the effect of repair of the thumb by transfer of island flaps from middle and ring fingers and / or index finger dorsal island flap .


  15. The report said detection of sporting potential by examining the ratio between the index and ring fingers " could help identify talented individuals at a pre-competitive stage . "


  16. Last week , a Cambridge scientist revealed that what sorts out successful traders from the rest of us is that they have relatively longer ring fingers than index fingers .


  17. Women whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers are quicker on their feet , offering a simple way of predicting who will win a race , researchers have found .


  18. Researchers have discovered that a quick study of the hands more specifically , the lengths of the index and ring fingers can tell a lot about a persons personality and risk of disease .


  19. They found that men whose ring fingers are the same length or shorter than their index fingers are at far greater risk of a premature heart attack in their thirties and forties .


  20. The age range for heart attacks in men where the index finger was relatively long was 35 to 80 years of age , but in those with relatively long ring fingers it was 58 to 80 .


  21. Use a blob of eye cream or gel the size of a grain of rice.Use your ring fingers to ensure you don 't press too hard , as these are your weakest fingers .


  22. Professor Debbie Moskowitz , who led the study , said their results revealed men with longer ring fingers were more likely to laugh , compromise , compliment others , smile and listen to their partners .


  23. Results A total of 6 item of observations about distal extent of digits and 22 measurements of the hand were made . The ring fingers are longer than the Index finger and take up 80 % in Zhuang .


  24. After it was all over , the researchers used a flatbed scanner to measure everyone 's right-hand index and ring fingers ( from the ventral proximal crease of the digit to the tip of the finger ) .


  25. British , French and Swiss researchers photographed 49 young men and measured the length of their ring and index fingers .


  26. Concerning the conditions of the relative lengths of the index , ring , and little fingers on both hands , the absolute symmetry was present in 58.3 % , and complete asymmetry in only 4.6 % .
