remain a mystery

美 [rɪˈmeɪn ə ˈmɪstəri]英 [rɪˈmeɪn ə ˈmɪstri]
  • 仍是个谜
remain a mysteryremain a mystery
  1. And so the summer of Kobe will continue , the clarification everyone 's looking for likely to remain a mystery .


  2. Their motives remain a mystery .


  3. His motives for killing the president remain a mystery .


  4. It shall remain a mystery .


  5. But where it was all this time and how it was discovered remain a mystery that may never be solved .


  6. Weii , that 's just gonna have to remain a mystery .


  7. Yet many of its therapeutic mechanism remain a mystery , which limits the spread and application of acupuncture and moxibustion methods .


  8. Dr Muller death remain a mystery .


  9. There are still things technically about films that I think are a mystery to me and I want to remain a mystery .


  10. Shipman firmly refused to plead guilty . His motives remain a mystery .


  11. The origin of such large amounts of constitutive heterochromatin and their role in karyotype evolution and speciation remain a mystery .


  12. Though Wang ` s current whereabouts remain a mystery , his declaration had been shared more than 73,000 times and drew over 37,000 comments by Wednesday .


  13. Monitoring the volumes going through some exchanges can give a glimpse of hedge fund activity , but the actions of banks , individuals and other investors remain a mystery .


  14. The Mona Lisa 's smile may always remain a mystery , but it is now possible to hear what her voice would have sounded like , thanks to a Japanese acoustics expert .


  15. But due to the complexity of the inner mechanisms of the brain and lack of reliable research methods , the sub-processes of translation remain a mystery , and the psychological reality of the translator in translating is still unknown .


  16. This will always remain a big mystery in my mind .


  17. The only way to find out for sure would be to set up cameras and environmental sensor tools to understand just what makes these rocks move . Until then , they will remain a mind-blowing mystery !


  18. More than two weeks after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 plunged into the Indian Ocean , investigators continue to focus on the flight crew , and the final hours of the pilot and co-pilot remain a central mystery .


  19. As archaeologists learn more about what happened here , new questions continue to arise , guaranteeing that Machu Picchu will remain a place of mystery for years to come .
