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  • n.徕斯;雷斯;里斯;米饭
  1. However , most scientists do not agree that the Piri Reis map is any more accurate than might be expected based on contemporary geographical knowledge and guesswork .


  2. On the problems of provincial grade reis & taking example of Guangdong


  3. Based on the demands of rural economy management , the authors discuss the Rural Economy Information System ( REIS ) established by computer .


  4. At last , bring forward the method of integrating the model and method metadata with the REIS , and the application and development in this system .


  5. In 90 's , closely combined with space remote sensing technology , REIS will be used to solve the significant resources and environment problems and global changes .


  6. US ambassador Charles Reis said that while damage was " not extensive ", the attack , which came without warning , was being treated seriously .


  7. Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau is a Brazilian artist who uses old watches to create beautiful motorcycle sculptures .


  8. Nationwide , mall vacancy rates hover at8.4 % , their highest level since commercial real estate research firm REIS started collecting the data almost a decade ago .


  9. The authors also give a brief account on the objective , task , components and software , hardware configuration of the REIS , as experiences for establishing a perfect REIS .


  10. Cheung or Michelle Reis , because you are not Chow Yun-fat .


  11. At a gathering today to announce REIs decision , Presley praised the governor and Pennsylvanias economic development team for their efforts in attracting and welcoming REI to area .


  12. The rate is expected to climb further in the fall and winter , when rental demand is weaker , pushing vacancies to the highest levels since Reis began its count in1980 .


  13. With a design style that he calls " extravagant simplicy ," Cheng boasts customers such as Maggie Cheung , Michelle Yeoh , Gong Li , Anita Mui , Michelle Reis , Carina Lau and Shu Qi .
