
美 [ˌriˈfreɪmɪŋ]英 [ˌriːˈfreɪmɪŋ]
  • v.重新制订;再构造;给某物装上新框架
  • n.重新构造
  • reframe的现在分词
  1. Sometimes it 's about reframing the ones we have ,


  2. And I think what I was saying earlier about communications , it 's time for something of a reframing .


  3. China 's bankruptcy legal system is far from perfection and requires reframing so as to adapt to the development of social life and social needs .


  4. Minimizing the distracting quality of past and future concerns by reframing them as mental projections occurring in the present


  5. The reframing ligament at the end of villages : collective economy & a case study on the urban - villages in Shenzhen


  6. He recommends reframing the problem from how to introduce Scrum to how to solve the problems the manager already faces .


  7. In contrast , positive reframing or trying to see things in a more positive light ; acceptance and humor coping had positive effects on satisfaction .


  8. I recently spoke at the world strategy forum event in Seoul , where the theme was " the new rules : reframing capitalism " .


  9. Edward Jenner didn 't invent preventive medicine by accumulating information ; he did it by reframing the question .


  10. US President George W.Bush was chosen as Time's2004 Person of the Year for " reframing reality to match his design ," the magazine said Sunday .


  11. They increase " the willingness or ability of the government to invest " in a particular government service " by reframing the way its value is articulated . "


  12. If you eat potato chips every afternoon , challenge yourself to cut back to every other afternoon , focusing on reframing them as an infrequent treat .


  13. Reframing a work travesty by offering up solid , well-researched solution in a timely manner will prove to your boss youre not only a thinker , but also a doer with management potential .


  14. Boost your bliss : Address these seemingly small issues , counsels Lyubomirsky , by talking with friends , reframing events in a more positive light , or finding time to recharge and regenerate .
