
  • 网络叛逆;反叛;叛逆性


an insubordinate act
Synonym: insubordination
intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude
Synonym: defiance


  1. Off the court , rebelliousness is a destructive force .


  2. Music is a regular theme in his work , especially the rebelliousness of rock ' n ' roll .


  3. Obstinate or contemptuous resistance to authority ; stubborn rebelliousness . '


  4. Any requirement that may be construed as ' compulsory ' will evoke some rebelliousness .


  5. I think I had a little streak of rebelliousness too .


  6. In someone 's opinions , the keyboard becomes a medium of expression for the young writer 's rebelliousness (


  7. The two kinds of above-mentioned image have shown a particular characteristic in common : rebelliousness , which is also the breakthrough point of this research .


  8. They found that tattooed individuals reported significantly higher levels of verbal aggression , anger and rebelliousness compared with non-tattooed adults .


  9. Because this challenge comes across in a voice totally unlike the shrill , fake rebelliousness other brands seem convinced is'youth . '


  10. It was , therefore , not only in burst of youthful rebelliousness that I found the luxurious social life at home not to my liking .


  11. Instead , most teenagers doggedly avoid the paths taken by their parents , not just out of rebelliousness , but because they have seen the costs .


  12. He also had a cheeky rebelliousness toward authority , which led one headmaster to expel him and another to amuse history by saying that he would never amount to much .


  13. His aversion to authority was something he no longer tried to hide , and he affected an attitude that combined wiry and weird intensity with aloof rebelliousness .


  14. Following all those years of school education , their systems of thought have been established based on mainstream culture . But the rebelliousness of young people drives them to show that they have a different way of thinking .


  15. Huang is as exacting a boss as he is an insubordinate employee , but he is often forced to suffer the rebelliousness of his staff .


  16. Post-modernism , which affects the whole world with its extreme rebelliousness and subversiveness , has influenced the works of Chinese directors of the new generation which sprang up in the1990s .


  17. The teachers of the school , impressed by his intelligence , overlooked some of his pranks . However , it was his rebelliousness in the end that caused him to be expelled .


  18. Professor Viren Swami , professor of social psychology at the university , said : " One explanation is that people who have higher reactive rebelliousness may respond to disappointing and frustrating events by getting tattooed .


  19. Rebelliousness , fatalism and experimentalism are the core pursuit of modernism , which is regarded as the main trend of literature in the 20th century , and the overturn of the existing literature norm as well .


  20. Perhaps in a certain sense , the rebelliousness of punk did not totally oriented to unemployment itself , but it was the emptiness and boredom of being unemployed generated its rock and roll career .


  21. Combining the free-spirited , artistic rebelliousness of the Bohemian or hippie with the worldly ambitions of their bourgeois corporate forefathers , the Bobo is a comfortable contortion of . '


  22. His struggle for civil rights involved ' a steady accumulation of one thousand slights , one thousand indignities , one thousand unremembered moments , [ that ] produced in me an anger , a rebelliousness , a desire to fight the system that impoverished my people , ' he wrote in his autobiography .
