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  1. " I can do it !" chimed in Randi , not quite sure what was happening but not wanting to be left out .


  2. Maximum General Randi (?) Index of Quasi-tree Graphs


  3. As debate over that continues , Randi Kaye looks into the history of prisoner exchanges .


  4. Randi Weingarten , head of the teachers'union , describes teachers using egg-timers to try to follow rigid lesson plans .


  5. Her performance on the stand more polished than yesterday , still raising eyebrows and as 360 's Randi Kaye reports ,


  6. RANDI KAYE , CNN CORRESPONDENT ( voice-over ) : Courage sometimes comes in small packages , like this 7-year-old from California .


  7. A seven-year-oid 's quick thinking saves his family . CNN 's RANDI KAYE tells us why he 's now being called " the hero . "


  8. RANDI KAYE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : We take our shoes off , remove our laptops , and toss our bottled water all in the name of safety .


  9. In these endeavours he joined other campaigners against pseudoscience , including scientists Carl Sagan and Stephen Jay Gould and the magician James Randi .


  10. We are experiencing a high volume of traffic due to people watching the Olympics online . I respectfully request that you discontinue this as it is impacting city operations , city tech guru Randi Levin wrote in an email sent to thousands of workers Tuesday morning .
