
美 [kwɑːˈdruːplɪŋ]英 [kwɒˈdruːplɪŋ]
  • v.(使)变为四倍
  • n.四倍
  • quadruple的现在分词



  • 1
    V-ERG (使)成四倍;(使)翻两番
    If someone quadruples an amount or if it quadruples, it becomes four times bigger.

    Norway has quadrupled its exports to the EU...


  • 2
    PREDET 是…的四倍;四倍于
    If one amount is quadruple another amount, it is four times bigger.

    They could sell their merchandise for quadruple the asking price.


  • 3
    ADJ 由四部分组成的;四次的
    You use quadruple to indicate that something has four parts or happens four times.

    ...a quadruple murder.



increase by a factor of four


  1. It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century .


  2. On the Feasibility of Quadrupling China 's Aggregate Economic Volume of the year 2001 by 2020


  3. At the same time additional logistics will be needed to support the quadrupling of land freight volume .


  4. And on this basis , in 2002 , China set a new long-term economic growth target of quadrupling her GDP in 20 years .


  5. Quadrupling production , attaining a fairly comfortable level of life and modernization are all new conception we have formed .


  6. To reach the goal of quadrupling GNP by the end of the century we shall have to do solid work .


  7. Square recently nabbed an additional $ 100 million in venture funding , quadrupling the company 's value to $ 1 billion .


  8. Analyses of the challenges of resource supply and environment impact in order to achieve China 's goal of quadrupling its GDP by2020 and sustainable development in long term .


  9. That is the double significance of quadrupling our industrial and agricultural output . I hope I shall be around at that time to see that it has been done .


  10. The quick success of our rural policies has heightened our confidence and encouraged us to decide on the target of quadrupling the gnp .


  11. While some developing countries are cutting back , oil exporting nations are reaping windfall profits from the quadrupling of oil prices in the past five years .


  12. We are quadrupling our investment in SOA , targeting both on-premise and in-the-cloud scenarios .


  13. If we succeed in quadrupling the GNP , the volume of our foreign trade will increase considerably , promoting economic relations with other countries and expanding the Chinese market .


  14. And in 2020 , accompanied by quadrupling the rapid economic growth and industrialization of heavy deepens , pollutant emissions will increase further , to the vulnerable environment cause enormous challenge .


  15. Quadrupling of the aggregate economic volume of the year 2000 by 2020 as an objective set by the 16th National Congress of CPC is an arduous and yet feasible task .


  16. We can now expect that these papers will , each year , cite around five million previous publications . And the rate of production of scientific papers is quadrupling every generation .


  17. The startling numbers conjure up images of mass migrations and the trebling or quadrupling in size of big cities such as Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou .


  18. This V-band frequency quadrupler can provide an ultra stability millimeter-wave source for the system of the millimeter-wave intersatellite link by quadrupling the frequency of a microwave source .


  19. In 2012 , Nasty Gal claimed those sales hit almost $ 130 million , more than quadrupling revenue from two years before , though the company now calls those numbers speculative .


  20. It 's been on quite a roller coaster ride , more than quadrupling between 2005 and 2007 , only to crash 70 % through 2008 .


  21. Jim Breyer : Mark is incredibly good at keeping the bar very high on new hires . When you 're quadrupling in size in terms of people , there 's always a tendency .


  22. Boeing predicts China will need 3,400 new passenger jets over the next 20 years , quadrupling the total fleet to 4,460 by 2026 on the back of annual domestic growth in traffic of nearly 9 per cent .
