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美 [ˈpaɪ]英 [ˈpaɪ]
  • 网络派伊
  1. Poon told me that taking over PYE in some ways saved my life .


  2. Beautiful water fountain , titled Charybdis , designed by William Pye .


  3. The distributions of PYE were significantly positively correlated with black carbon and total organic carbon content in various sized fractions .


  4. The biodegradation rate of PYE were significantly negatively correlated with black carbon content , total organic carbon content , and surface areas of various sized fractions .


  5. The brand is called PYE , a combo of symbols reflecting Marjorie 's passion for math , profits , and fashion .


  6. Adopting biological culture experiments , the biotoxicity of phenanthrene ( Phe ) and pyrene ( Pye ) of wheat added in soil was studied .


  7. The mother-daughter duo showed up on stage in matching PYE white shirts , joking they had never had a chance to dress alike when Dee was growing up .


  8. The genotoxicity of PYE and PCP was decreased 50 % and 80 % , respectively , when the biochar content increased from 0 % to 5 % .


  9. Lucian W. Pye had a deep insight of authoritative dependence , relation politics , political power derived from moral authority , people 's cognitive unconformity of Chinese political culture , which is quite valuable in studying Chinese political problems .


  10. In our MPW interview , Yang confessed that it had been difficult for her when her own daughter declared the PYE brand she founded was out-of-fashion and in need of revamping .


  11. Poon told me that taking over PYE " in some ways saved my life . I need a constraint or I want to do everything . " Now her focus is building a brand around classic white shirts , mostly for men .
