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  • 网络惩罚者;处罚者;制裁者;复仇者
  1. Admirers and critics call him the Punisher and Duterte Harry .


  2. shows Daredevil , Jessica Jones , Luke Cage , Iron Fist , The Punisher , and The Defenders .


  3. But each player could also reward or punish each of the other three players , at a cost to the punisher .


  4. Farm soil quality appraise is the prerequisite to realize the system of rewards and punisher - ents for using farm .


  5. War is as much a punishment to the punisher as it is to the sufferer . " - thomas jefferson "


  6. The model implies that these three mechanisms can make strong reciprocity survive at a wider range of conditions if a single punisher can not meet the condition of the stable evolution of punishment .


  7. The punishment of one human being by another is behavior in which the punisher thinks he has the right to hurt and violate a person he perceives as his social inferior .


  8. We found that three kinds of social mechanism can not completely guarantee cooperation , in some punishment some people are not highly educated or have no special punish advantage , but they will take the initiative to undertake the punisher character to maintain cooperative order .
