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美 [ˈproʊˌreɪtɪd]英 [prəʊˈreɪtɪd]
  • 网络按比例分配的;按比例分配
  1. { There is a problem with the entry . } The accrual choice is not valid . Type Start , Prorated , or End .


  2. The rent was prorated for the rest of the month .


  3. Those that are difficult to associate with specific inventory items may be prorated on some equitable basis .


  4. Prorated emission charge on air pollutants


  5. It can be used ageing test of MOA varistor and prorated units of 10 kV and below .


  6. Resource costs will be incurred at the start or finish of an assignment rather than with the default prorated accrual method .


  7. That all profit , losses , costs and liabilities will be prorated according to the share-holding of each party .


  8. Prorated The settling of an oversubscribed share issue , where the shares are distributed to investors on a proportional basis .


  9. Additionally , the Pump Manufacturer shall provide and administer a5-year , prorated materials warranty on the Dry Pit Submersible Pump against defects in materials and workmanship .


  10. Prices , ranging from about $ 24 to $ 45 an hour ( and often prorated to the minute ), are cheaper than what many skilled tutors charge in a student 's home .


  11. Computation of the Custody Fee for any period less than a full calendar month due to commencement or termination of this Agreement shall be prorated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed .


  12. It is possible to carry two or more policies , but the insurance companies involved would split the reimbursement between them . That all profit , losses , costs and liabilities will be prorated according to the share-holding of each party .


  13. When EPC process was used to produce iron shot of nodular graphite iron , the molding materials usually adopt prorated air atomizing iron shots with three different diameters , which are ( 0.3 mm )、 0.5 mm and 0.8 mm respectively .
