
  • n.<法>前提



  • 1
    → see:premise


a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn
on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not to play
Synonym: premise assumption


take something as preexisting and given
Synonym: premise


  1. The Premiss Criticism of the Building Political Civilization in China


  2. The premiss is to make developing plan according to the requirement of modernization .


  3. The premiss of establishing taxonomy of culture is to establish scientific culture view .


  4. One premiss of introducing competition and building electric market in the electricity industry is liberally opening the electric network .


  5. The personal liberty is the most essential part of citizen rights , and it is also the premiss of the other rights .


  6. So , on the premiss of good intensity , ADI advances the toughness and plasticity of the materials .


  7. The principle of Chinese entry to WTO is mainly at the cost of decreasing tariff and at the premiss of enjoying improving Chinese treatment .


  8. I wouldn 't concede his premiss , so naturally , I don 't draw his conclusion .


  9. Most scholars believe that people can not obtain new knowledge from deductive reasoning because the premiss of the deductive reasoning already contains its conclusion .


  10. " Economic Man " idea is a premiss of the mostly schools of the west countries to make their point , such as Classical Liberalism , Utilitarianism and New Liberalism .


  11. In the hot spots of robot research field , robot off-line programming is the key of utility of robot technology , and robot vision calibration is the premiss of off-line programming .


  12. All the premiss are the same as in [ 1 ] except the media are now considered as stratified in structure and the influences of the bore hole and of the invaded zone were neglected .


  13. Considering that comparisons have nontrivial impact on time complexity of algorithms in the present DSPs technology , a pruning ASD ( PASD ) is proposed on the premiss of keeping the efficiency of ASD .


  14. The principia of law , is the premiss of assignment at liberty , can not damage the third person and debtor existent advantage , also can not increase their burden or forfeit their right because of assignment .


  15. DVD products such as Baby Einstein are marketed squarely on the premiss of educating babies and toddlers , while there are numerous British-made programmes , such as In the Night Garden , aimed at the age range .


  16. In this paper we get the approximate distributions of the electric potential fields by use of the method of separation of variables under the following premiss : 1 , We neglect the influence of the insulating rings connecting the principal elect-rode and the guard electrodes ;


  17. Only in this way , can the classroom teaching achieves a dynamic evolution among regulation and liberty , premiss and creation , certainty and uncertainty , which makes the classroom teaching bear the ( charac - ) teristics of living activity , dynamic creation and high quality .


  18. This paper treats of the basic category of Tang Junyi 's philosophy of moral nature or , in other words , criticizes the premiss of his philosophy of life and philosophy of morality and thereby attempts to explain the origin , establishment and vicissitudes of Tang 's entire Neo-Confucianism .
