
美 [ˌpriːˈdeɪtɪŋ]英 [ˌpriːˈdeɪtɪŋ]
  • v.(在日期上)早于,先于
  • predate的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB (在日期上)早于,先于
    If you say that one thing predated another, you mean that the first thing happened or existed some time before the second thing.

    His troubles predated the recession...


  1. with several of these phases predating the earliest known agricultural influence from Southeast Asia .


  2. They lived 1.977m years ago , predating the appearance of Homo erectus by 77000 years .


  3. The serious degeneration of grassland and environment caused by years of predating exploitation became the main obstacle for sustainable development in this area .


  4. He also propounded the Heliocentric theory of gravitation , thus predating Copernicus by almost one thousand years .


  5. Nearly half the Negev 's Bedouin live in villages often predating the state but officially unrecognised and so denied state support .


  6. Predating modern elastic , early swimsuits were made from knitted cotton and wools that grew heavy and hung uncomfortably when wet .


  7. But with the amulet and the ceremonial tablet , it becomes an important historical artifact predating the Bible by centuries .


  8. According to researches on mechanism of predating nematodes , Arthrobotrys mainly generates predacious organ by alive nematodes and predates alive quarries .


  9. The advance of research and utilization of industrial , medical , edible , feed , predating , pollinating and cultural insects were reviewed and the prospect of these resources was discussed .


  10. He also seized the opportunity to urge the Congress to act soon on changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act , which dates from the1970s , predating cell phones and the Internet .


  11. The little black ladybird beetle can predate on the egg , nymph , pupa and adult of the whitefly , with high activity and large predating quantity .


  12. students at Brearley and Saint Ann 's are enthralled . All of this despite the fact that " Friends " is a laugh-tracked network enterprise predating the era of social media .


  13. Mr Carney introduced plastic banknotes in Canada while head of its central bank , although the BoE has been researching a switch to plastic for three years , predating his arrival in July as governor .


  14. Qin Shi Huang ordered that every work of pre-Qin Dynasty history be turned over to the authorities for destruction . It 's usually painted as a massive inquisition that resulted in the loss of pretty much all historical and cultural works predating the period .
