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  • 网络术后恶心呕吐;恶心呕吐;术后恶心和呕吐;恶心
  1. Conclusions Azasetron or Ondansetron can decrease the rate of the PONV in patients of gynecology tumor , the effect of Azasetron was superior to Ondansetron in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting .


  2. The incidence and severity of PONV were recorded 24 hours later .


  3. Conclusion : During anesthesia , maintaining hemodynamic stability can reduce the incidence of PONV .


  4. The first day after surgery were also recorded whether the nausea and vomiting ( PONV ) .


  5. Awake time and postoperative nausea vomiting ( PONV ) were assessed after operation .


  6. Objective To study the preventive effect of ondansetron on postoperative nausea and vomiting ( PONV ) .


  7. The Effects of Dexamethasone and Granisetron for the Prevention of PONV and Pruritus


  8. Results : The incidence and severity of PONV was decreased significantly in Group B than that in Group A ( P < 0.01 ) .


  9. Conclusion Prophylactic use of 5-HT_3 receptor antagonists is effective in reducing PONV in women or the patients underwent general anesthesia .


  10. To improve analgesia quality , the preventive effect of different drugs on PONV associated with morphine epidural analgesia were observed in 130 patients .


  11. Conclusions Carbonemia , shoulder pain and PONV can be reduced by regulating the ventilation and decreasing the pneumoperitoneum pressure .


  12. Objective To compare the efficacy of three different anesthesia methods in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting ( PONV ) in gynecologic laparoscopy .


  13. Effects of ramosetron , ondansetron and droperidol on PONV and Q-T interval in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy


  14. To evaluate and compare the curative effect of medicine alone and integration of acupuncture and medicine on treating postoperative nausea and vomiting ( PONV ) .


  15. Objective : To explore the prophylactic effect against PONV ( postoperatively nausea and vomiting ) of Ondansetron combined with Dexamethasone in children .


  16. Objective To investigate the effects of volume expansion before induction of anaesthesia on postoperative nausea and vomiting ( PONV ) in patients undergoing laparoscopic operations .


  17. Objective : To evaluate the prophylactic effect of azasetron and granisetron on postoperative nausea and vomiting ( PONV ) resulting from analgesia following thoracic surgery .


  18. Conclusion Intravenous ondansetron ( 4 mg ), tropisetron ( 5 mg ), or granisetron ( 3 mg ) before anesthesia induction can prevent PONV with similar efficacy and safety .


  19. Conclusion Ketamine-lidocaine anesthetic applied for children induction has the advantages of hemodynamics stability , acceptable intubation conditions and low incidence of PONV . The combination of ketamine with lidocaine for anesthesia induction of children is suitable .


  20. Results PONV occurs mostly within 24 hours after the operation . The vomiting occurrence rate of group C was less than that of group B ( P < 0.05 ), while that of group B was less than group A ( P < 0.05 ) .


  21. Foreign reported in the literature , the reasons of patients fearing general anesthesia are as follows : the first is postoperative delayed recovery time , followed by postoperative nausea and vomiting ( PONV ), postoperative agitation and postoperative pain , and so on .


  22. One patient in each group had PONV . Conclusion The EC50 of ropivacaine was 0.059 % when combined with 0.4 μ g · ml-1 sufentanil and was 0.054 % when combined with 0.6 μ g · ml-1 sufentanil for epidural labor analgesia .


  23. Before the operation finished , patients in three groups were separately infused normal saline 5ml ( group A ) droperidol 5mg ( groupB ) and azasetron 10mg ( group C ) . The occurrence rate of PONV within 24 hours after infusion was recorded .
