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  • 普拉斯;【医】【=plaster】熟石膏,硬膏,药膏
  1. A new algorithm for computer-aided plas logic design


  2. Its design Design the PLAs Using DFT


  3. This text is a review on hydrolytic mechanism and influencing factors of PLAs .


  4. PLAs composites reinforced by inorganic calcium components


  5. Last year , when I asked page whether plas are evil , he demurred .


  6. The changes of inflammatory and anti-inflammation cytokines in plas - ma of patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage


  7. The Construction of q-Cyclic Codes A Testable Design of Circular-shift PLAs


  8. Experimental results on 20 different scale PLAs show that the higher fault coverage and the shorter test length are simultaneously acquired by adding much lower extra hardware overhead .


  9. Testing PLA available is the important method to ensure the reliability of PLAs The DFT methodology is very useful to solve the test problems of PLAs .


  10. BCP layer plas the role to regulate carrier compound area and change color . So the device performance will be improved by controlling the BCP thickness .


  11. Conclusion : The PLAs have effect in the trabeculectomy surgery to prevent the formation of scar , of those groups , PLLDA / GA was best .


  12. As a high-level fiscal supervision , public financial audit plas a very important role in preserving fiscal and economic order , standardizing fiscal management , making the fiscal policies function better and strengthening the macro-control .


  13. On the other hand , it is necessary to make composite more functional via the addition of fillers , especially using their basicity or drug function to lessen inflammation caused by the degradation of PLAs .


  14. Objective To study the feasibility of drawing blood sample from central vein catheter to examine plas - ma electrolyte including K ~ + , Na ~ + , Cl ~ - and Ca ~ ( 2 + ) .


  15. Method Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) and radioimmunodetection were used to detect the plas - ma levels of ICAM-1 and SOD in 84 patients after ACOP , and 24 healthy adults were selected as control group .


  16. Taking the unified PLA fault model [ 5 ] , a test generation procedure for irredundant PLAs is presented to detect all detectable single crosspoint defects and multiple crosspoint defects of the same mode in the same array .


  17. In this paper , in view of a phenomenological plasticity theory for orthotropic material proposed by Hill , the history-dependent constitutive relation for plane strain case is obtained . The asymptotic solution of the plane strain mixed mode stationary crack problem in an elastoplastic material with plas (?)
