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  • abbr.维持和平行动;棕榈仁油(palm kernel oil);穿孔素敲除
  1. Because of this , China completely takes part in the PKO in the initial stage of the 21st century .


  2. PKO is a multilateral arrangement that is attended by many nations , and it is carried out in the world-wide , so it provides an opportunity for strengthening communication with other countries .


  3. But the new PKO is different from the traditional PKO .


  4. It is estimated that in near future PKO will substitute coconut oil as the most important resource for lauric oil .


  5. It is clear that the best prospect for future growth in lauric oil supply is for an increase in PKO production , as a result of higher palm oil output .


  6. Peace-keeping Operations ( PKO ) is an important international systematic arrangement of United Nations , so the relation between China and it is also affected by the national interests ' change deeply .


  7. With the changes in the international situation , Japan promulgated the Law of PKO and openly sent armed forces abroad under the name of international contribution , which is even more prohibited by the Constitution .


  8. Results There was no difference in mortality and Kaplan-Meier ′ s survival curve between B6 and pko mice . However , pko mice showed a delayed clearance of influenza virus from lungs .


  9. By examining the relations between China and East Timor and the process of China 's participation in PKO , this article tries to analyze the reasons for China 's participation in UN PKO and its basic stand on the issue of " humanitarian intervention " .
