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  • 网络简易升降类;综合征;黑斑息肉综合征;黑斑息肉病;升降式
  1. Come on , let 's get your PJs on .


  2. Diagnosis and Treatment of Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome ( PJS ) for 7 cases


  3. Methods : 15 cases of PJS were found through familial investigation of 3 inpatients .


  4. You do this by calling pjs . load (" root ") .


  5. Brush your teeth , wash your face , put your PJs on .


  6. we line up on the staircase in our brand-new Christmas PJs and have our picture taken .


  7. Don 't lounge around in your PJs all day while binge-watching your favourite shows .


  8. Ask them to bring PJs and toothbrushes for a sleepover .


  9. Reporting 7 cases of PeutZ & Jeghers syndrome ( PJS ) .


  10. Some people can work in PJs with no problem , but clearly , you 're not one of them , so avoid temptation to let yourself go !


  11. What do you think of the Tesco store 's policy of removing people from the premises who are dressed in PJs ?


  12. Objective To facilitate a better understanding of the progress in the research , diagnosis and treatment of Peutz Jeghers syndrome ( PJS ) .


  13. Objective To analyze the clinical features , imaging manifestation , pathological findings , endoscopic findings and treatment regimen of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome ( PJS ) .


  14. 【 Objective 】 To investigate the pathogenesis and canceration of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome ( PJS ) and standardize therapeutic regimen .


  15. Fifty-seven percent of people who sleep naked reported feeling happy in their relationships , while only 48 percent who sleep in standard PJs reported the same .


  16. Sleep in organic cotton nightwear and you won 't spend your nights feeling guilty about wearing PJs made from pesticide-laden cotton treated with formaldehyde .


  17. Objective To study the significance of β catenin , p53 and PCNA in Peutz Jeghers syndrome ( PJS ) harmatoma .


  18. Also , with the2010 World Expo being held in Shanghai , which apparently is known for public pajama wearing , city officials have launched a public clampdown on PJs .


  19. Ladies match a handbag to their best PJs , for a trip to the shops ; old men wear only boxer shorts in the sultry streets .


  20. The Study of the Diagnoses and Therapy for 6 Cases of Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome Objectives To investigate the diagnostic methods and reasonable treatment of Peutz - Jeghers syndrome ( PJS ) .


  21. In the northeast of Shanghai , the Rixin neighbourhood committee has begun a " Ban the PJs " campaign to discourage the daytime display of nightwear .


  22. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome ( PJS ) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by multiple hamartomatous polyps of gastrointestinal tract , muco-cutaneous pigmentation and increased risk of malignancies in different organs .


  23. A : When I went to China I was very critical at first . At a certain point in time I was very critical of people spitting on the floor , wearing socks and PJs on the street .


  24. For example in one snap the model shares a photograph of herself posing in a onesie with a dog with the caption : ' Pjs & puppy cuddles ' which she reveals actually means ' look how cute I am . '
