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  • n.磷;【医】【=phosphatase】磷酸酯酶
  1. Calc phos is made from the mineral salt found in bone and teeth .


  2. ALICE Experiment at LHC and its Trigger Decision of PHOS


  3. So the Super Phos has expressed the trend and superiority of substituting the normal phosphate in wastewater treatment .


  4. The adsorption efficiency of phosphorus by microbes improved in the system with Super Phos while the outlet TP decreased .


  5. My good friend Butterfly who is a homeopath suggested calc phos .


  6. On the other hand particle identification is provided during offline analysis by algorithms that examine the electromagnetic shower shape in PHOS to discriminate electromagnetic particles against hadrons .


  7. There is positive correlation between the phos - phatase activity and soil organic matter , total P and available P. There is notably positive correlation between the phosphatase activity and soil available P in the paddy field .


  8. PHOS ( Photon Spectrometer ) mentioned in this thesis is used for photon detecting , which is one of the detecting systems in ALICE ( A Large Ion Collider Experiment ) arranged by CERN ( European Organization for Nuclear Research ) .


  9. Laser micro-spectral analyzer , coupled with CCD spectrometer , was used to determine Sr in long-afterglow phos - phor coat in argon atmosphere at reduced pressure in this experiment and the accuracy of this method on analyzing coating materials was studied .


  10. Both inju ry and Phos group were taken intraperitoneal injection with isoproterenol ( 80 mg / kg ); injury group was injected with saline through caudal vein while Phos group with phosphoramidon ( 5 mg / kg ) .


  11. An overview of experimental status of A Large Heavy-Ion Collider Experiment ( ALICE ) in CERN / LHC program is given , and the trigger decision criterion of the Photon Spectrometer ( PHOS ) in ALICE experiment is studied deeply by Monte Carlo ( MC ) simulation .
