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美 [ˈpæsərz]英 [ˈpɑːsəz]
  • 网络通行证;过路
  1. I don 't try to write there . instead , I watch the passers by .


  2. Instead , I watch the passers by .


  3. One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passers by .


  4. When a lot of hares were piled in the market , the passers -- by would not even loot at them . It was not because that people did not want to get them , but those hares already had their owner , and the ownership had been decided .


  5. Teachers , as the passers of knowledge , should adjust their knowledge system and improve their teaching level .


  6. The report says mine workers , residents and passers by were believed trapped .


  7. Because , like when a movie actor , often passers inquiries .


  8. An Analysis on The Passing Patterns and Effect of The Grade A Women Volleyball Teams ' Passers


  9. Second passers have smooth organization of attacking .


  10. It will reappear somewhere else , other passers will come .


  11. Not surprisingly , he is considered to be one of the NBA 's best passers .


  12. Teachers , as the passers of knowledge , should adjust their knowledge structure and improve their teaching level to meet the new demand for students .


  13. At first , when meeting passers , he quailed , lost his speech and couldn 't contact anyone .


  14. I remember when passers Kwajalein our house , the mother at home if , in the face scene always proud smile .


  15. In addition , the improvement of the backcourt attacking and scoring abilities of assistant second passers also brought changes to this dedicated function .


  16. It blindfolds passers by and keeps you in complete control of who sees you , and when .


  17. Passers should not only have techniques of correctly and stably passing the ball , but also improve their concealment techniques of pass gesture .


  18. They are not hurried passers , they expect to settle down and enter into the central circle of their parents ' village .


  19. On Monday after Easter prankster of Lviv city , Ukraine are performing black jokes on all passers by .


  20. Either way , he 's one of the best passers and playmakers in the world , and his length allows him to guard all 5 spots in the court .


  21. A ten-year-old girl has raised over 30,000 for a children 's hospice in just eight months simply by playing her violin to passers by in the street .


  22. In this context , Chris Paul and James Harden , as the lob passers , are known as the " Pancake Makers . "


  23. There are few better passers of a ball in the Premier League and this season he has discovered an eye for goal that has yielded seven strikes to date .


  24. The passing stands out . " He 's already one of the best passers I 've seen at this level , " Lakers summer-league coach Jud Buechler said . High praise ?


  25. It avoids unwanted alarms by continually updating its background model to incorporate gradual changes such as slow-moving shadows and by suppressing transient changes such as passers ­ by .


  26. The device has a simple structure and a reasonable design , can reduce the inconvenience caused by dropping water of eaves for passers by , and farthest ensures the normal use of a movable house .


  27. A modest stall at the front of the property was to sell the olives to passers by , it was soon replaced by West Australia 's first boutique olive shop and cafe .


  28. Sometimes one of those great cakes slips from the ice-man 's sled into the village street , and lies there for a week like a great emerald , an object of interest to all passers .


  29. This and other articles about this incident only talk about the vehicle drivers and passers by , my question is where was the mother and why did it take so long for her to come to her child 's aid ?
