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  1. Improving leg meat percent and abdomen fat percent could form fat type pekin duck .


  2. The morphology study of the certain nuclear groups in Pekin duck 's mesencephalon


  3. Size , distribution , and density of retinal ganglion cells of the Pekin duck


  4. Multiple Regression Equations to Estimate Carcass Traits in Pekin Ducks


  5. Cu was first observed in Pekin ducks ;


  6. The shops of london are as well furnished as those of Pekin .


  7. A Study on the Morphology of Three Nerve Nuclei of Pekin Ducks ' Pontes


  8. The distribution of all the nuclei were similar to Pekin duck and fowl .


  9. Experiment 1 , The Influence of Starvation on the Contents of Selected Biochemical Parameters in Plasma of Pekin Ducks .


  10. Study of Synthetic Selection Index of Breast Meat Weight and Breast Meat Rate with Main Body Size and Body Weight Traits in Pekin Duck


  11. Preliminary Comparision between Membrane Proteins on Lymphocytes in the Thymus and Bursa of Pekin Duck


  12. There was a dark dyed structure in nLL of Pekin ducks which was first observed ;


  13. Pekin Fine Arts is pleased to present Kohei Nawa 's first solo exhibition in China .


  14. TP could be divided into two subnuclei , some differences existed between the Pekin ducks and the other birds ;


  15. What I want to achieve in3 years time : graduated from Pekin University successfully , learn a lot about how to become a successful lawyer .


  16. The Relations Between Hypothalamus and Feeding Behaviour in the Pekin Duck ⅱ . Distribution of Serotonin Like Neurons in the Hypothalamus with PAP Method


  17. The new video works Qingsong presents today at Pekin Fine Arts all look beyond obvious societal and environmental changes , to uncover what lies beneath .


  18. Three hundred and thirty-six Pekin Ducks aged 21 days with similar weight were randomly assigned into 7 treatments , with 6 replicates each treatment .


  19. The distribution and structure of the cardiac ganglia and nerve plexuses of8 Pekin ducks were studied by using methods of gross anatomy and histology .


  20. Pekin ducks ' muscle fiber density was higher than Cherry Valley ducks , Cherry Valley ducks ' muscle fiber diameter was higher than Pekin duck .


  21. But there were no significant difference in the weight and the percentage of abdominal fat and the thickness of skin and subcutaneous fat among the three lines of Pekin ducks .


  22. Analysis of meat components showed that the ash content of Pekin Ducks ' breast muscles was significantly higher than Cherry Valley Ducks ' fed by same manner ( PO . 01 ) .


  23. PT of Pekin duck is similar to one of which was previously observed in the other bird . The role of anterior pretectal nucleus in analgesia caused by muscular spindle afferent information


  24. Ultrastructural studies on the endogenous development of tyzzeria perniciosa , a coccidian parasite of Pekin duck 3 . Microgametogenesis and the microgamete


  25. Male Pekin Ducks exhibited 10 % body weight and 2 % feed conversion efficiency higher than female . Male Cherry Valley Ducks exhibited 7 % body weight higher and 4.2 % lower feed conversion efficiency than female .


  26. Planchet , J.M. , C.M. , Guide du Touriste aux Monuments religierux de Pekin , Beijing , 1923 .


  27. The full-length of THRSP α gene of ducks cloned by the author was used to detect the polymorphism in THRSP α intron . The association of mutation locus with growth and body compositions of 238 Pekin ducks at 6 wks was investigated by PCR-RFLP method .
