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  • 网络磷酸核糖焦磷酸;鲍尔环填料;焦磷酸;磷酸核糖焦磷酸盐;磷酸核糖
  1. With the support of information model of the recycling element , the PRAIM based on recycling elements is given as the basis for DFR and PRPP .


  2. The PRPP synthetase activity in BFU Es and CFU Es from bone marrows of mice was estimated by ion pair reversed phase HPLC ( IPr HPLC ), using isocratic elution .


  3. Based on the analysis of the research status in quo of DFR , this dissertation does some deeper research work including DFR method , Product Recycling Application Information Model ( PRAIM ), Product Recycling Process Planning ( PRPP ), assessment of product recyclability and so on .
