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  • 网络急诊监护室;急诊重症监护病房;急诊重症监护室;急诊监护病房
  1. Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value and cost-effectiveness of troponin T and CK-MB in EICU for patients with acute chest pain .


  2. In China , emergency nurses have been trained in monitoring technique and gradually formed a set of feasible work flow for EICU .


  3. OBJECTIVE To investigate the profile of pathogen of infection in emergency intensive care unit ( EICU ) .


  4. CONCLUSIONS The P.aeruginosa infection and its ( antibiotic ) resistance should be paid more attention in the treatment of the lower respiratory infection patients in EICU .


  5. To establish and perfect an Emergency Intensive Care Unit ( EICU ), in order to improve the quality of rescuing and monitoring emergency patients and foster high-quality specialized emergency nurses .


  6. OBJECTIVE To investigate characters of molecular epidemiology of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) outbreak strains in an emergency intensive care unit ( EICU ), to follow-up the possible sources , understand transmission for infection , and determine preventive strategies .


  7. Compared with the traditional group , the time of invasive mechanical ventilation , total time of ventilatory assistance and hospitalized time in ICU / EICU were decreased markedly ( P < 0.05 ), and the incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia ( VAP ) was similar in two groups .
