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  1. The young people are still here , too , hanging out on the steps of the Piazza della Vetra and drinking cheap beers on the lawn of Parco delle Basiliche .


  2. Walk the streets of Milan 's Ticinese district and you 'll see young people drinking freely in open spaces like Parco delle Basiliche and Piazza della Vetra - an odd sight for any American .


  3. Most famously , the fugitive gangster Renato Vallanzasca , " Il Bel Ren é " ( the pretty boy Ren è ) began to lurk in Parco delle Basiliche , bringing with him the air of lawlessness that permeated the time .


  4. The bar is close to Parco delle Basiliche . I thought it would be nice for young people to have a place when they can get a cheap beer to enjoy the park and the square , Rattazzo said . " Especially in the summers , who wants to drink inside four walls ? "
