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美 [pænˈdʒiːə]英 [pænˈdʒiːə]
  • n.泛大陆;盘古大陆;泛古陆;原始大陆;联合古陆


an extremely large area of land which existed millions of years ago, made up of all the present continents


(plate tectonics) a hypothetical continent including all the landmass of the earth prior to the Triassic period when it split into Laurasia and Gondwanaland
Synonym: Pangea


  1. It is thought that she may be from the weapons world of Middle Pangaea .


  2. The emerging supercontinent of Pangaea presented severe extremes of climate and environment due to its vast size .


  3. Two hundred million years ago , all the continents were parts of a single land mass called Pangaea .


  4. He proposed that the present continents once comprised one large landmass which he named Pangaea .


  5. Instead , Pangaea was moved closer to the mainland where she could take shelter from the storm .


  6. As you may know , the slogan of Pangaea 's project is to " explore , learn and act " .


  7. Pangaea has a media and broadcast centre onboard equipped with the latest technology allowing the creation of high quality broadcast content .


  8. Of the Mesozoic Era , the breakup of Pangaea . Hello ?


  9. Our day was a successful one and we were happy to be back once again at Pangaea , our floating home and haven .


  10. We think our animals were basically isolated from the rest of what was going on in Pangaea by this large desert climate .


  11. Our primary objective is to find true ambassadors who will transmit the message of the Pangaea Expedition to the entire world .


  12. It is now commonly believed that all continents of the earth were once combined into a single continent called Pangaea .


  13. Similarities to other extinct snakes in South America and Africa suggest a common ancestor from the days of Pangaea .


  14. Our YE 's woke up this morning , bright and early in their new surroundings of the Pangaea sailboat .


  15. From late Paleozoic to Mesozoic , global plate motion is relative activity , the formation and cracking of Pangaea occured during this important period .


  16. Pangaea has been specially designed and adapted to integrate the latest sustainable technologies and keeps safety for its crew and passengers a top priority at all times .


  17. These more metabolically active reptiles , which could survive the harsh interior regions of Pangaea , became the dominant land animals of the late Permian .


  18. At12 noon our Young Explorers left Pangaea in Milford Sound and returned to Invercargill to get flights home to their respective countries around the world .


  19. The mission of Pangaea is to EXPLORE , LEARN and ACT with the Young Explorers and with the help of an experienced and qualified team we successfully achieved our goals .


  20. Back onboard the boat in the afternoon , a tour was given with Captain Nick and our YE 's got a full introduction of Pangaea and the safety procedures .


  21. The Permian period saw the creation of the supercontinent Pangaea , where shallow seas in and around the huge landmass offered a home to an abundance of life .


  22. Phillippa , Pangaea 's cook , made for them a hearty breakfast of hot oats , an appropriate meal to start the cold , wet day that lay ahead of them .


  23. China and Mongolia were on the whole re-assembled after the Indosinian orogeny to become part of the Laurasia Supercontinent , which was the northern half of the Permian-Triassic Pangaea .


  24. But lots of geologists predict that eventually all the continents , including Antarctica , will merge and become one giant land mass , a super continent , one researchers calling Pangaea Ultima , which more or less means the last super continent .
