painful feelings
- 痛苦的感觉

True love really can help to reduce painful feelings , researchers have discovered .
We 're down in the dumps for a short time , then gradually the painful feelings dissipate and we move on with our lives & often the wiser for the experience .
At that time , the meditator will generally experience many different painful feelings arising in his body .
A : The need to dare to feel your weakness and to accept all the painful feelings .
Once the grieving period has had some time to process , don 't dwell on painful feelings or memories .
This can end up becoming a distorted view and can result in so many painful feelings when the feelings are not returned .
I2.How can you listen to your partner 's painful feelings If no one listened to yours ?
At that time , usually various painful feelings arise in his body , and also an unwillingness to remain long in one particular bodily posture .
The mind often rushes to protect the person , by numbing them from overwhelmingly painful feelings of grief , helplessness , rage and collapse .
Answering these types of questions will help you associate painful feelings to the old , undesired belief and provide you with the the opportunity to replace it with an empowering one .
Now his insight knowledge is quite strong and lucid , and by virtue of it even his painful feelings will at once cease as soon as they are firmly noticed .
Then he will overcome the painful feelings and the restlessness in being unable to remain long in one particular posture , and also the idea that his insight knowledge is not yet clear enough .
However , his selection as chairman of the trustees of FUV , Vietnam 's first private not-for-profit university , has stirred up painful feelings about a war in which more than 1m Vietnamese died .