
美 [ˈoʊvərhænd]英 [ˈəʊvəhænd]
  • adj.上手的;投下的;举手过肩而投掷的;手掌朝下的;手掌朝内的
  • adv.举手过肩地;手势向下地;从上支持着;举手过肩
  • v.重复缝纫;锁边
  • n.手举过肩的游泳姿势;手臂出水;高手投掷;高手发球;上手传球;优势;上风;胜利

复数: overhands 过去式: overhanded 现在分词: overhanding 过去分词: overhanded 第三人称单数: overhands



sewn together with overhand stitches (close vertical stitches that pass over and draw the two edges together)
Synonym: oversewn
with hand brought forward and down from above shoulder level
an overhand pitch
an overhand stroke
Synonym: overhanded overarm


  1. Sewn together with overhand stitches ( close vertical stitches that pass over and draw the two edges together ) .


  2. Strengthening Safety Monitor Management for By-Passing Overhand of Partial Equipment


  3. Treatment of Creep Elongation of Overhand Lines Life Management of Piping Working in Creep Range


  4. Overhand cut and fill Optical coherence tomography in silicon oil tamponade eyes


  5. Test and study on sublevel caving stage open-stope and overhand combination cut-and-fill mining method


  6. Frontal overhand serve is an important content and exam courses in volleyball teaching in colleges and universities .


  7. Stretching Workmanship & Mould Structure for Generator Overhand Sleeve


  8. How mang ways can the overhand serves be played in ?


  9. Ball may be served underhand or overhand .


  10. The Minimum Number Research of Overhand Insulator in Power Plant and Substation ; The Design of Digital Insulation Resistance Tester Based on PIC Microcontroller


  11. Adding an overhand knot at each crossover increases friction and keeps the lacing much firmer .


  12. Analysis and Overhand of a Tipical Trouble of the XDH-3B Electrocardiograph


  13. He can probably kick a ball , too , yet hasn 't gotten the hang of jumping or throwing overhand .


  14. There are three basic kinds of service : the underhand serve , the overhand serve , and the hook serve or roundhouse serve .


  15. The report introduces concisely application of electric scraper in Wushan Copper Mine where overhand drift hydraulic filling mining in inclined walls has been adopted for several years .


  16. An overhand stitch or seam . The flat fell seam is a cleanly finished seam for detailing and construction is sportswear .


  17. The results indicated that the breaking load and overhand knot strength of twine bear a regression relation to cosine of twist angle ( cos β) .


  18. While open ming was conducted in Huidong Lead Zinc Mine , the rich ore section in southwest slope was extracted with overhand cemented cut and fill mining method .


  19. Type II reservoir is potential productive reservoir distributed in braided channel and inter channel of middle sublacustrine fan or sedimentary microfacies area of overhand lake sand flat .


  20. Overhand serves may be played in different ways , such as the overhand floater serve ; the overhand spin serve ; and the power serve .


  21. The practice cf mining room first and then pillars by overhand cut and cemented fill is widely used in China , but the condition for pillars recovery in later period is normally worse .


  22. Trabeculectomy with Releasable Sutures Decrease Occurrence of Postoperative Flat Anterior Chamber and Choroidal Detachment ; To sew with a loose overcast or overhand stitch .


  23. Grenn 's downcut was answered by an overhand that dented his helm .


  24. Three were related to object control ( kicking , catching and overhand throwing ), and four were focused on locomotor skills ( hopping , side galloping , vertical jumping and sprinting ) .


  25. We can overhand shuffle , and we can riffle shuffle ... But , you know , there is no escape from the angry ... - Queen . -


  26. For beginners , I recommend the underhand serve . For experienced players I recommend the overhand floater serve . The pitcher let go a fast ball and the batter swung and missed .


  27. An overhand throw , stroke , or delivery . I think the players should be skilled at serving , volleying , the backhand smash , the forehand smash and the drop shot .


  28. Based on the situation of mining operation , in combination with existing both mining processes , new mining process system that room is mined with overhand cut-and-fill stoping and pillar is mined with sublevel open-stope succeed by fill are presented .


  29. The structure of workings , stoping technology , filling system , stope-back control , technic-economical parameters and assessment of overhand slicing and filling method for mining steeply-inclined brocken manganese ore body of Heqing Manganese Group company is introduced .


  30. General-ly speaking , the curve can be divided as : hook , small curve and big curve . There are three basic kinds of the underhand serve , the overhand serve , and the hook serve or roundhouse serve .
