
  • abbr.out of service 不工作的;未使用的
  1. Patients with vari - ous tuberculosis have many different clinical features .


  2. Operative ultrasonography ( OUS ) was used in 55 patients undergone hepatobiliary surgery .


  3. In ous study , we utilize a new titanium alloy with super-low elastic modulus to design a new lumbar dynamic fixation system .


  4. Such a network ought to perform effective transmission , dispatch , protection and management over the vari - ous signals .


  5. A high precision PFT algorithm for continu ous fou rier transform


  6. The philosophy view of information , emergence view of information are vari ous kinds of two kinds of basic concepts defined in information concept .


  7. Storm surge is one kind of meteorological tides which may cause seri - ous destruction on coastal facilities .


  8. The concrete filled steel tubular bridge is full of promise in the competition of vari - ous types of bridges .


  9. The word ends in - ous .


  10. Parametric adaptive control algorithm is presented , which is suitable for the control of higher dimension nonautonom ous complex chaotic systems with multiple parameters .


  11. More and more defects of modern development outlook emerge and are fiercely criticized by vari - ous trends of thoughts .


  12. The operational Principle , structure , performance and running of the first 250 CONFORM continu - ous extrusion machine developed domestically are described in this paper .


  13. Objective To evaluate the efficacy of amniotic membrane transplantation with continu - ous lock stitch suture for diseases of ocular surface .


  14. A DISCUSSION ON PLATE EFFICIENCIES OF CONTINUOUS RECTIFYING COLUMNS FOR BINARY SYSTEM Method : continu - ous rectify and two-tower rectify method .


  15. Evaluation of gemcitabine in previously treated patients with non-squam ous cell carcinoma of the cervix : A phase II study of the Gynecologic Oncology Group


  16. The article describes the basic requirements for the power source of the metro power supply system , analyzes briefly the features of vari - ous power supply modes and their selection .


  17. The mineral ion intake was higher in the artificial cari - ous lesions induced with low pH demineralizing agent than that with the high pH one .


  18. The performance of α - Si : H solar cells was studied under vari - ous reverse-biased voltages and intense irradiation of light pulse .


  19. Luckily , I was not hurt , but it showed me how danger - ous life was going to be in Brobdingnag .


  20. In hyperosmotic stress , the HOG-MAPK pathway regulates the signal transduction and expression of numer - ous genes for cell survival .


  21. The patterns of the influence of air velocity , waste-gas velocity and waste-gas temperature on vari - ous thermotechnical indexes were also analysed respectively .


  22. The railway crosses / goes across / runs across the plain and connects / , connection the remote mountain ( ous ) city with the sea port .


  23. The internationalization of Chinese architectural market under globalization of economy and the contradiction between market economy and old structure , all bring Chinese design enterprises seri - ous challenges and chances .


  24. The generalized definition of gravity anomaly is given , and vari - ous gravity corrections , corresponding gravity anomalies and their geo - physical meanings are also expounded in the paper .


  25. A few experimental rats also revealed myocardial eosinophilic degeneration , No important cardiac lesion was found in the experimental monkeys , but the pathologic changes in the liver were obv : ous .


  26. So far , the tension / compression flow behavior of Nickel-base γ′ - phase single crystal alloys in vari - ous conditions have been studied extensively , and the general agreement has been derived .


  27. The LBB assessment criterion is a simple , reliable and economical method , in which the labor - ous fracture assessment is reduced to the failure assessment diagram for technicians in terms of various failure theories .


  28. Wool is one of natural keratin fibers . For many years , people have studied the composition and structure of wool keratin by means of chemical dissolving methods and pursued its regeneration and application in vari - ous fields .


  29. Moreover , we improve it to process multi-continu - ous features , and we propose a feature space reconstruction algorithm , which is based on the analysis of inter-class dis - crete matrix , for feature preprocessing .


  30. We would like to accept that partnership with a very clear stand , the stand which gives us and assures the Afghans that Afghanistan will be a prosper [ ous ] country , which Afghans deserve .
