
  • 网络浩腾媒体;对象模型图;浩腾;浩腾媒体公司;设备操作维护单元
  1. I had some experience of being a teaching assistant in OMD in2011 .


  2. To most feedstuff , the value of DMD and OMD is near and DMD > OMD .


  3. Thus initiatively OMD involves itself in many social production scopes , intending to give full rein to designing in every new field and node , meanwhile exploring the meaning of design .


  4. The result showed that the nylon bag method could fairly estimated DMD , CPDand OMD of sika deer feeds and reflected the difference of quality in feeds .


  5. DMD , CPD and OMD had greatly difference in different kinds of the same category feed and in different collecting period , handling and collecting location of the same kind feed .


  6. In trial 1 , the in vitro gas production ( GP ), in vitro organic matter digestibility ( OMD ) and metabolizable energy ( ME ) of rice straw block ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ,ⅳ and alfalfa block were measured .


  7. Prior to joining Starcom , Lester spent over half his working career with ZenithOptimedia before moving to OMD , where he was part of the core team that won the Intel business in2008 .


  8. The syringe gas test system was used to investigate fermented characteristics and OMD of the mixtures of WH stem plus leaf meal with corn silage , Chinese ryegrass and alfalfa at different levels ( 100 , 67 , 33 and 0 % of WH ) in vitro .
