
  • v.反驳;质问;攻击
  • oppugn的过去分词和过去式
  1. Inevitably , the justice of technological protection measures involves being oppugned .


  2. With the home and overseas accounting scandal occurring , the quality of accounting information is oppugned by public .


  3. The author point out that rationality of treating legal behaviors as to-do obligation should be oppugned .


  4. But few literatures oppugned the rationality of the rules of mandatory bid as a whole .


  5. With the development of economy , traditional accounting information system and performance measurement show their limitation clearly , which oppugned by academe and corporation world .


  6. For the hypothesis of capital market efficiency is oppugned in assets pricing empirical studies , behavior and psychology are introduced in corporate finance .


  7. The definitions of self-profit right and common-profit right is oppugned .


  8. " The problem of Hume " made the rationality of the inductive method oppugned , the foundation of the credible knowledge agitated ;


  9. At the same time , it oppugned on trueness which was pursued by Easel Art .


  10. To be based on subjective philosophy the practice aesthetic is oppugned inevitably , when globality entironment have been jeopardizing .


  11. In chapter five I retell how New Aesthetics Principle grew up and how it was oppugned during Aestheticization of Everyday Life dispute .


  12. Although the sysem is reserved , but it is effected by international climate , and its rationality is oppugned .


  13. Alan David had once oppugned : " whether art is the prototype of the past time hides in the innermost soul or not ?"


  14. While after 1980s , along with abnormity in financial market , the theory that basised on rational analyse is being oppugned by more and more people .


  15. American psychologist David . McClelland published an article titled " Testing competence rather than intelligence " in 1973 , which oppugned the traditional intelligence test method and put forward competence to replace the traditional intelligence measurement .


  16. Urban planning work exists the phenomenon of attaching important of behave but looking down on research , especially lacking of the economy analysis on urban planning . All these lead the scientific and feasibility of urban planning to be oppugned .


  17. With the development of society , people 's requirements to comfort in modern buildings are higher and their environmental consciousness are increased at the same time , so the conventional ventilation ways including nature ventilation and mechanical ventilation has been oppugned .


  18. Since the middle period of twenty century , the orthodox consensus position of positivism was oppugned and weakened in the study of social theory . How to insist on scientism and objectivity in the study of social theory ;


  19. However , as a vital part in present-day society , engineers are often criticized and oppugned ; although some engineers they are possessed of accomplished skills and adept business , but they are pressed for compassionate care , anthropocentrism and ethics .
