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a recurring sleep state during which rapid eye movements do not occur and dreaming does not occur;accounts for about 75% of normal sleep time
Synonym: orthodox sleep nonrapid eye movement sleep NREM sleep nonrapid eye movement


  1. The value of correlation dimension can reflect sleep stages after analyzing and simulating the sleep EEG , and then simulation forecast for NREM sleep stage was made which accorded with actual result .


  2. While we all do it , it is very complex in its own nature , being classified into four stages and two types , REM sleep and NREM sleep .


  3. The epileptic discharge were mainly seen in NREM ⅰ - ⅱ phase .


  4. Local epileptic electric activity was much more in NREM and REM term than in consciousness .


  5. NREM sleep is also when your body repairs itself and releases hormones , including growth hormones .


  6. The epileptiform discharges were mainly found in the I - II stages of NREM sleep .


  7. The results showed that : 1.Abnormal sleep prolonged the wakening time and latency of NREM .


  8. Results Compared with control , the ratio of non-rapid eye movement ( NREM ) sleep and its delta wave decreased after restriction ;


  9. There are two kinds of sleep , Rapid Eye Movement ( REM ) sleep and Non-REM ( NREM ) sleep .


  10. In group of severe patients , the duration of apnea events in REM was significantly longer than that in NREM ( P < 0.01 ) .


  11. During sleep the appearence of abnormal discharge in epileptic patients was more frequent than that in suspected cases , especially in NREM ⅰ,ⅱ .


  12. Conclusions : NREM can induce the seizure attack in children confirmed epilepsy , the type of focal epilepsy were more easily induced during NREM than others .


  13. This shows the control group can apparently increase NREM sleep time . In addition , after treatment there was significant difference between REM sleep time of the two groups ( p < 0.01 ) .


  14. Results The maximal tolerance pressure of post-operations on 40 patients were all decreased during non-rapid eye movement ( NREM ) and rapid eye movement ( REM ) .


  15. CONCLUSION : REM sleeping time of patients with SAS decreased , apnea time prolonged , SaO2 decreased and heart rate increased during REM are more significantly than those during NREM .


  16. There are two kinds of sleep , Rapid Eye Movement ( REM ) sleep and Non-REM ( NREM ) sleep . Both of which are necessary for the body to go through its restorative process .


  17. The fluctuated range of WE value of the four basal rhythm bands was obviously larger during S1 , S2 , S3 and S4 sleep stage than resting conscious stage and NREM sleep stage .


  18. The apnea time prolonged more significantly and SaO2 decreased more significantly during REM than those during nonrapid eye movement ( NREM ) in the OSAS patients of severe and moderate groups ( P 0.05 ) .


  19. Conclusions Sleep has significant influence on respiratory regulation in normal people . The respiratory drive ( P0.1 ) in both NREM and REM sleep stages could maintain the awake level due to an effective compensation to the increase of upper airway resistance .


  20. Results : The positive rate of epileptiform discharges in patients with epilepsy was 59 % , and it was 3 % in the doubtful epilepsy group . The epileptiform discharges were mainly found in the ⅰ - ⅱ stages of NREM sleep .


  21. Methods The appropriation to CPAP therapy pressure and the tolerance to CPAP pressure of two group patients were tested during sleep CPAP titration . These statistics were separately collected during non-rapid eye movement ( NREM ) and rapid eye movement ( REM ) .


  22. CONCLUSION : DPR plays a crucial role in mediating the prostaglandin D_2-induced sleep . Deficiency of DPR results in the low intensity and fragmented diurnal NREM sleep and the high vigilance REM sleep , with the normal circadian rhythm of sleep in mice .
