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  • 【医】硫柳汞、葡萄糖酸氯己定和依地酸钠溶液<接触镜保护剂>
  1. Investigation and Analysis about the Psychology Situation of Normol College Students Sings


  2. Survey on tuberculosis infection in normol university student


  3. Investigation and analysis of normol sicus heart rate Q & A on Sex


  4. Activities of POD and CAT in second growth plants was higher than that in normol plants .


  5. Objective To examine the affect of natural spring water on blood glucose in diabetic and normol mice .


  6. Practive and Study on the course building and teaching innovation of inorganic chemistry fo normol colleges


  7. Less necrosis , more apoptotic neutrophil and normol capillary structure under transmission electron microscope ;


  8. As the most fundamental order of society , legal order implys normol state of social relations by means of legal regulation .


  9. And Ian really need those websites , so I was decided to let it go , and make things back to normol tomorrow morning .


  10. Results : There were significant difference among every phase of labour between the large fetus and normol weight fetus ( P < 0.05 ~ P < 0.01 ) .


  11. The study observed the influence of freezing on langerhan 's cells in normol skin with ATPase and OKT6 & ABC staining method .


  12. Results The ConA group mice showed significantly higher levels of serum IL-18 and NO than that in normol control group , and there was a correlation between IL-18 and NO.


  13. According to the results of sensory scores and physical and chemical indicators , analysis and obtain the flavor ptoducts ' shelflife under refrigeration and normol temperature condition . 6 .


  14. Methods : Esophageal motility was determined by PC Polygraf HR system and plasma motilin by RIA in44 cases of alcoholic liver cirrhosis and30 cases of normol control .


  15. If syncope did not occur , different drugs were given : In group A ( 33 patients and 20 normol subjects in control group ), sublingual isosorbide dinitrate ( 1.25mg ) was administered at the end of BHUT .


  16. Methods : The chromosomal aberration and the fragile site of the lymphocyte in the peripheral blood from 56 tumor patients and 25 normol control were detected by using the culture of whole blood in the culture medium with thin folic acid and high pH and G band .


  17. Methods Severe frostbite model was made and ahylysantinfarctase combined therapy was used . Five indexes of blood visible component extracted from rabbit were determined before and at eight-time point after frostbite for 6 weeks . Results WBC count was recovered to normol level in one week ;
