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  1. The research result proves that the shift of rural labor to nonagricultural sectors has made better use of rural labor resources possible and therefore plays a positive role in the growth of the national economy in China .


  2. Study on Long-term Dynamic Equilibrium of Rural Collective-owned Nonagricultural Construction Land Market in China


  3. Studies on Nonagricultural Employment of Rural Labor in China


  4. Land Market Development and the Farmland Conversion for Nonagricultural Use : Assessment and Calculation Based on Inter-provincial Panel Data


  5. Strictly protect the basic farmland and control the occupation of agricultural land for nonagricultural purposes .


  6. There is a significant positive relationship between growth in the agricultural sector and growth in the nonagricultural sector .


  7. The rural nonagriculturalizition is the proceed of nonagricultural sectors and its development and strength .


  8. In the rural economic structure , priority has been shifted from agriculture to the coordinated development of agriculture and nonagricultural sectors .


  9. The new provisional regulations for tax on farmland used for nonagricultural purposes and detailed rules for their implementation were instituted .


  10. The different fixed costs and yields of migration and nonagricultural production determine their different relationships with the extent of tax and fee reduction .


  11. Research on the Differences of Consumption Between Urban and Rural Residents in China THE PREDICTION AND ANALYSIS OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND NONAGRICULTURAL RESIDENTS CONSUMING LEVEL IN CHINA


  12. The ratio is about 2 / 3 . Nonagricultural employment opportunities in countryside are mainly provided by township enterprises in coastal areas .


  13. Being the most pressing Task at the Moment to control an Increase in Population and economize Employ of nonagricultural cultivated Lands


  14. There appears also a reverse effect : a 1 percent increase in the nonagricultural growth rate leads to a decrease in agricultural growth in selected SSA .


  15. Change in total non-farm payroll employment-the number of payroll jobs added or lost between monthly surveys in the nonagricultural economy .


  16. According to the analyses of model , the main reasons for the cultivated land decreasing lie in the increase of population , the development of urbanizing and nonagricultural industry , etc.


  17. The causes leading to such situation are various , but huge discrepancy of labor productivity between agricultural and nonagricultural department , agricultural investment policy of the country are two main factors .


  18. The results showed that peasantry average house area , the first industry GDP , nonagricultural population and highway mileage are the four main factors of reducing cultivated land in Tai'an .


  19. Only engaged in non-agricultural , from nonagricultural income than engaged in agricultural production and income , it will be possible to let family on the way of getting rich .


  20. Relocation of Labor Forces , Industrialization and Rural Economy ; In the rural economic structure , priority has been shifted from agriculture to the coordinated development of agriculture and nonagricultural sectors .


  21. The slow increase of peasants ' income results from the production of farm products , the reduction of employment for nonagricultural work , and the readjustment of the economic structure in rural areas .


  22. The theoretical and positive analysis also states that expanding the urban nonagricultural sector to develop its gathering effect is a premise that carries out the dual evolution of industrialization and urbanization in China ;


  23. Or it depends on their income from nonagricultural industry , i.e.substitutive wage , in the united labor market of urban and rural areas , where labor force can flow freely .


  24. We analyzed the formative factors of peasants ' income increasing , which including economic growth , agriculture growth , price fluctuation , public spend of government , tax system changes in countryside , nonagricultural employment changes .


  25. Nowadays , under the situation of nonagricultural transfer and spillover of rural male labor force , it is more and more important for women in Gansu to play the role of agricultural production and rural community development .


  26. Deduction 1 , farmers ' investing behavior does not totally depend on the income they get from agriculture or nonagricultural industries . His advantage , investment preference and past experiences may also affect their investment decision .


  27. During the 30 years since 1978 , the rural labor force in china massively and directly initiated to the city and nonagricultural domain . This shift carried out a far-reaching change in both Economic structure and social structure .


  28. And that to rural economy is in direct proportion to the growth rate of labor productivity resulted from farm machinery , the ratio of nonagricultural output value to rural GDP , the number of labors engaging in agriculture .


  29. Nonagricultural trend of rural credit cooperatives is worsening . The role of policy-oriented banks is minimal . China Postal Savings has accelerated the loss of rural capital . The development of agricultural insurance is seriously lagging behind .


  30. South Jiangsu is an area with concentrated towns within the Yangtze River Delta , in which urbanization has developed rapidly driven by industrialization . Nonagricultural population takes a large proportion and most of them are latent townsfolk .
