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  • 网络马来西亚林吉特;马来西亚;林吉特;马币
  1. Study on Myr reactive polymer water reducing agent


  2. Maximum yield research or Myr is almost an exceptional case in Brazilian agriculture research .


  3. Without this vital input results from MYR programs can be disappointing and generate little new knowledge .


  4. OBJECTIVE To observe hypoglycemic effect of myricetin ( MYR ) on various animal models .


  5. The results show that MYR is suitable for treating potato starch wastewater in the north of China efficiently .


  6. Conclusion : MYR has the actions of protecting liver , reducing enzyme activity and eliminating jaundice .


  7. Success of a Myr program is limited without an accompanying mey education process which transfers information to growers .


  8. But , after you convert it into MYR , that 's not really the case then .


  9. These factors were studied to determine their role and interactions in a Myr project in Hubei in1990-1991 .


  10. The testing of MYR technology on farmers ' fields through on-farm trials showed that maximum yield practices always produced higher yield .


  11. High-yield crop clubs are effective in the transfer of MYR and BMP technology to small groups of innovative and dedicated farmers .


  12. This series of MYR symposia ( New Delhi , Kyoto , Beijing ) is an excellent example of that type of program .


  13. Thoros of Myr charging through the breach ?


  14. By means of analyzing the climate in North China and production characteristics of potato starch , the new technology of MYR ( membrane yeast reactor ) is put forward .


  15. The war left the Disputed Lands a waste , and freed Lys and Myr from the yoke .


  16. The prices shown in Malaysia Ringgit ( MYR ) are fixed and all other currencies are for reference only .


  17. Some secondary and micro-nutrients in MYR are sometimes found to be deficient , these elements should also be given more attention in balanced fertilization program .


  18. Since Myr is considered as a part of high-yielding crop production system , it is important to show some general information of high crop production technology related to Myr in thailand .


  19. The ringgit ( currency code MYR ; unofficially known as the Malaysian dollar ), is the official monetary unit of Malaysia .


  20. He had an accent , the lilt of the Free Cities , Bravos perhaps , or Myr .


  21. For a time they were successful . A Volantene fleet took Lys and a Volantene army captured Myr , and for two generations all three cities were ruled from within the Black Walls .


  22. Amidst all that chaos , with horses screaming and bones breaking and Thoros of Myr waving that absurd firesword of his , who could name it murder if some chance blow felled His Grace ?


  23. On the other hand , because of the wide range of open clusters in ages , from dozens of Myr to 10 Gyr , it can help us investigate the stellar properties of different ages and constrain the star formation theory .


  24. The sedimentary facies evolved from earlier shallow lacustrine into delta-fan and braid river environments suggesting that ranges around the basin initiated to uplift and the depositional area of the southern Ningxia basin gradually reduced after 10.5 Myr .


  25. Furthermore , the question of how to get sustainable competitive advantage under the support of capability development cycle is analyzed taking Canon and Xerox as examples . High-yield crop clubs are effective in the transfer of MYR and BMP technology to small groups of innovative and dedicated farmers .


  26. Young Griff spoke the Common Tongue as if he had been born to it , and was fluent in High Valyrian , the low dialects of Pentos , Tyrosh , Myr , and Lys , and the trade talk of sailors .


  27. This thesis discusses paleoceanography of the southern South China Sea ( SCS ) over the last 5 million years ( myr ) on the basis of stable oxygen and carbon isotopes on foraminifers (δ 18O and δ 13C ) from Ocean Drilling Program ( ODP ) Leg 184 .
