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You can see in Nomi 's experience that the journey also is not easy ; and can lead to disease .
As an efficient analyzing tool , DID chart and NOMI chart are employed in other chapters of this paper .
This design is currently being tested on a concrete office block in Nomi in Japan 's Ishikawa prefecture .
As enough love is applied now the records are releasing and there is the possibility ahead of Nomi 's full recovery .
Mesenteric venous thrombosis is much less lethal than acute thromboembolism of the superior mesenteric artery and NOMI .
Lilliya ( Mila ) also has her physical problems but they are not life threatening whereas Nomi 's are .
Nomi is still recovering from health issues that are the result of how polarity has pressed his dream towards extinction rather than life .
So Nomi being the one forging ahead in ascension has become a mirror for Anasonya 's own plight ;
For Nomi he has gotten ill along the way but will repair himself now and carry on with mapping a journey also into sustainable thought-form .
It is because there was not enough love to erase all of Nomi 's records of destruction that disease has manifest in his ascension .
Nomi Watts , 44 . She said : ' I was completely terrified working with David Lynch on [ on Mulholland Drive ] .
Lilliya and Nomi have suffered repeatedly in their ascensions due to the polarity of the inner earth which continuously presses them towards failure and death .
It is interesting to note that the journey of Lilliya and Nomi has been towards wholeness and completeness and love that can foster this in recent years ;
The possibility of continued life is emerging however for Nomi and as a result of the love of the Tao ; and the erasure of the past that this allows for within his cells .
However Nomi 's circumstance illuminates a vast problem for Anasonya and how if something does not shift and more love be anchored that her potential for ascension into life is very limited .
Nomi is learning to love deeper than he knows how and this includes his body which he has denied for the sake of others who he has loved and loved to aid them upon their path of map carving .