And even more incredible is the bar at the top of the mountain run by a long haired wild-eyed Barba , nicknamed after the Hollywood muscleman , John Claude Van Dam .
California governor and former muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger says he 'd like to get Barack Obama into a gym .
There are five classes for players to choose such as Paladin , Assassin , Muscleman , Warlock and Priest .
Cartoonist Tony Auth reverses Superman 's routine to make a tongue-in-cheek comment on California 's new governor , 56-year-old muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger .
He can lift more than twice the weight of his body and is now called " Lillle Arnie ", after muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger .
At just 2ft 9in , Indian muscleman Aditya ' Romeo ' Dev is the world 's smallest bodybuilder .