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  • 网络穆尼;旧金山城市铁路;无轨电车;公车;公交车;牟尼
  1. Let 's enjoy the beautiful Muni Valley first .


  2. This is the very charm of the Muni Valley .


  3. The bottom fell out of the Muni bond market as a result .


  4. Muni says Burma has also discussed brokering new deals for critical energy supplies including oil .


  5. Alternative technologies are emerging that could challenge the relevance of Muni Wi-Fi .


  6. ' People will realize they can shelter money in muni bonds , ' he says .


  7. AT & T also expects muni wi-fi to fill any gaps in coverage for subscribers to its mobile phone service .


  8. That controversial call was widely condemned , especially on Wall Street , where the Muni market is an enormous profit spinner .


  9. Any number of signal , service or guide dogs for the disabled are allowed to ride Muni Free and Unmuzzled .


  10. Let 's take this opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenes of the Muni Valley before we find out how Daniel is faring .


  11. Viewer friends , here 's the famed Edaohai Lake of the Muni Valley .


  12. The San Francisco Municipal Railway ( MUNI ) offers many ways to get around the city , such as buses , streetcars , and the Metro .


  13. ABC will foot the bill for any city expenditures , including security rerouting of Muni services and movement of street cables to accommodate the stage and recording equipment .


  14. Under the stimulus package , Muni issuers receive a subsidy for 35 per cent of the interest if they sell fully taxable bonds to fund infrastructure projects .


  15. Such technologies are in their early stages but , as broadband access becomes more pervasive as a result of them , Muni Wi-Fi could be harder to justify .


  16. The " Muni Wi-Fi " concept has run into difficulties for a number of reasons : slow user adoption , technology problems , political delays , and unrealistic expectations and business models .


  17. The existence of anything has its inherent regularity , paintings form of existence necessarily be the case , and that this law constitutes a general thing with the internal laws of Muni .


  18. Investors pulled some $ 14 billion from Muni bond funds between December 22 and February 2 , 2011 , and returns in the fourth quarter of 2010 were the lowest in 16 years .


  19. Lower rated Muni bonds have not recovered to the same extent as the debt of higher rated issuers , Mr Ciccarone said , indicating that investors remain wary of risky debt .


  20. Muni , San Francisco 's public bus system , is overloaded and underfunded , and the success of ride-hailing apps like Uber suggests a public willingness to try new tech-enabled options .


  21. My hope is that [ this month ] we will be able to show what ubiquitous wi-fi looks like in a city , without the need for muni wi-fi , says Joanna Rees , US chief executive of Fon .


  22. Thus far , investors in Muni bonds have seemed relatively relaxed about the pension risks , since they assumed that any crunch would be staved off for several years ; but if regulatory scrutiny rises , that may be complacent .


  23. It 's a pretty critical time for the whole muni wireless market , says Roberta Wiggins , analyst with Yankee Group . For a while , cities thought they could get everything for free , but somebody has to pay for it .


  24. Municipal-bond yields are very attractive right now . A 30-year triple-A muni now pays 3.01 % , Mr. Benstead says-1.7 percentage points more than an equivalent Treasury , once you factor in the tax break .
