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  1. Multi - Dimensional Qualitative Spatial Query Language MQS - SQL


  2. A comparatively high MQS may make a manufacturer quit the market , and form monopolistic market structure .


  3. The author finds that the influence of MQS on social welfare has close relationship with the richness of a country .


  4. At the same time , MQS can enlarge the market coverage of manufacturers while lowering their profits .


  5. The paper mostly discusses the Measurable Quotient System ( MQS ) for ICEM and the corresponding algorithms .


  6. In this premise , the paper considered the change of firms'profits and social welfare with MQS in an open economy , and corresponding measures are given .


  7. The results show that when the government sets MQS , the profits of domestic firm decreases and foreign increases , yet the consumer surplus increases .


  8. According to the system testing , we can get he performance evaluation . After the test , it is correct and feasible that we have raised an algorithm based on double-decker filtering MQS .


  9. This study explored the evolution of game equlibrium under different MQS and the change of social welfare , by analyzing the quality competition under specific MQS between foreign companies and native companies .


  10. And then , by numerical examples , the game equlibrium was computed , and the level of social welfare under different MQS was compared according to the distribution characteristic of consumer structures , so the optimal MQS could be designed .


  11. The paper proposed that the minimum quality standards ( MQS ) can be treated as technical barriers to trade ( TBT ) because TBT is to set a standard higher than the quality of imports essentially in order to block the entry .


  12. These files include files that relate to all queue managers on the node , such as / var / mqm / mqs . ini , and queue manager-specific files that are used to generate internal control information .
