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美 [ˈmɑːnd]英 [ˈmɒnd]
  • n.世界;时髦社交界,上流社会
  1. Charles Evr é monde , called Darnay , in right of such proscription , absolutely Dead in Law .


  2. Le Monde said France was the target of the biggest surveillance operation , after those two countries .


  3. He contrasts the situation to a western publication like France 's Le Monde .


  4. ' The Citizen Evr é monde , called Darnay , ' said the first .


  5. The most famous declaration of the discovery was by American explorer Theodore Monde .


  6. And a linked case involving a lawsuit filed earlier this year by Le Monde has taken a new twist .


  7. Charles Evr é monde , called Darnay , had reason to know the usage ;


  8. For the next gripping twist in this convoluted euro plot , see Le Monde .


  9. After returning to France she became a journalist for the famous daily French newspaper , Le Monde .


  10. French linguists have calculated that every166th word in the Le Monde newspaper is english .


  11. ' We have new laws , Evr é monde , and new offences , since you were here . '


  12. Le Monde du Voyage , lemondeduvoyage ­ . com / defaultan.htm .


  13. Lucie his daughter . The wife of Evr é monde .


  14. It subsequently withdrew the story and has denied that it was inspired by Le Monde .


  15. I told your father that my real name was Evr é monde , and he made me promise not to tell you .


  16. REPORTER : I am from the French Daily Le Monde , Chatevon .


  17. The Institut du Monde Arabe specialises in exploring cultural links between the Western world and the Middle East .


  18. Why should we stop at Evr é monde ? '


  19. She was also the artistic director of Le Monde Diplomatique and gave a strong visual identity to this newspaper in the80 's.


  20. WHEN the managers of Le Monde introduced computers to the paper 's print works in the early1990s , they hoped for greater efficiency and lower costs .


  21. After the death of Evr é monde at three this afternoon we 'll go to the Tribunal and accuse them . '


  22. Le Monde : Recently in an interview you gave to the People 's Daily , you said that socialist system and democratic politics are not mutually exclusive .


  23. Madame Defarge stepped forward and called loudly , ' Citizen Doctor ! Wife of Evr é monde ! Answer me ! '


  24. Lucie his daughter . The wife of Evr é monde . Which is she ? '


  25. The French paper Le Monde reports its journalists witnessed fighters suffer burning eyes and breathing difficulties during fighting on the outskirts of Damascus .


  26. In Paris , tight police control of nightlife led national newspaper Le Monde to call the city the " European Capital of Boredom " back in 2009 .


  27. Speaking to Le Monde newspaper , Mr Sarkozy said his priority of priorities was to restore the value of work and lift France 's sluggish economic growth rate .


  28. Le Monde , the B.B.C , the New York Times , the entire Arab press , all quote Heikal at length .


  29. In one of his later works La prose du monde , Merleau-Ponty also focuses on the creation of new meanings and the expression-moment of indirect language .


  30. Le Monde Newspaper reported that the US intercepted and recorded 70 million phone calls and text during a one-month period between December and January of last year .
