It is the dagger sent by the Mikado to her father with order to commit harakiri .
On the war responsibilities of Mikado of Japan in the Second World War
On the Influence of China Taoism and Japan Shinto upon Ancient Mikado System
On Historical Viewpoint of Mikado in Modern Japanese History
Analysis on the Emergence and Development History of Japan Mikado and Japan Mikado Institution
Towards the responsibility of Mikado Hirohito for the war against China
The Mikado System in Modern Times & A Chief Criminal That Japan Had Taken External War of Aggression
Because the Mikado system in modern times was a core of Japanese political institutional and foundation of militarism ;
On the reasons of the establishment and Continuity of the Japan 's Symbolic Mikado System after the Second World War
Second part is the preservation of Japanese Mikado and the system of Mikado Autocracy .
Mikado ' authority got a unprecedented absolution , benefited from the implementation of Emperor System .
In fact , besides the Japanese militarism , Mikado shouldered the direct responsibilities .
The Emperor System Portrayed in Postwar Japanese Literature The Contemporary Militarism under the Regime of Mikado
The Mikado and Japanese Aggression and Expansion of Militarism
Mikado idea , the family-country view and Bushido are three big characteristics of the Japanese nationalism .
The regime of Mikado Showa Hirohito is the longest in Japanese history .
Although the Mikado have scruple , but did not oppose it .
But about the relations between Prime Minister Tanaka , Mikado Shouwa and the case , history field have different viewpoints .
Thus , the appearance , development and the end of " Mikado Organ Thought " is the prediction to the track of the Meiji constitutional system .
The Mikado System is not only one of the cores of the Japanese politics , but also a political source that floods into the Japanese sense of superiority .
This theory is opposite to the " Mikado Sovereignty Thought ", it rose a debate between Minobe Tatsukichi and State system Thought .
Japanese rightwing trends of thought originated from the formation of view of Mikado dominating everything and Japaneses nation superiority complex arising therefrom .
The " Mikado Organ Thought " was based on the " National Groups Thought " and constituted by " National Legal Thought " and " Mikado Organ Thought " .
In the Meiji ages , along with the establishment of the absolute regime of the Mikado system all the social strata struggled for the redistributed rights .
These treasures , passed on in good condition from generation to generation by the family of Mikado , reflect the influence of the Great Tang Empire 's culture upon the East Asian area .
For Kenzaburo Oe , the style of irony is the refraction of social illnesses and a powerful tool criticizing the monarchy of Mikado .
Meanwhile , the social political structure , centering around the system of the Mikado , and the enlightenment campaign provided the soil and paved the way for the spreading of Japanese militarism .
For his understand to the Mikado thought , he cited the view of evolution to Confirmed that the Japanese civilization and the evolution of human civilization development is not the essence of the difference .
The connection of Confucianism and Mikado absolutism resulted in the sad event of Japan in the Second World War . A protestant emperor should be chosen time about with a popish .
For the retaining of the Mikado , the allied countries and the Japanese have a quite different view over it : it is the international and political situation that caused Japan to retain the Mikado .