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  • 网络污泥浓度;最大乳酸稳态;污泥质量浓度;混合液悬浮固体浓度
  1. The COD of effluent descended along with the increase of MLSS .


  2. DO variation with temperature under the conditions of changing aeration rate , MLSS density and influent COD in the process of the organism degraded .


  3. Effects of Different MLSS on Sewage Treatment Efficiency by Low Temperature and Low C / N


  4. Higher MLSS produces faster organic matter degradation and shorter reaction time ;


  5. The Effect of MLSS on Organism Degradation Rate in the Process of Industrial Wastewater Treatment in SBR


  6. Ultrasound has no obvious effect on MLSS , while MLVSS changes greatly .


  7. Results showed that settling rate is in inverse ratio to the value of SV and MLSS .


  8. Study on the treatment characteristics of the membrane-coupled fluidized bed bioreactor operated under high MLSS


  9. MLSS in system is too high , SS has the phenomenon of excessive in the effluent .


  10. The consistency of the MLSS has a obviously influence upon the treatment of hydrolytic acidification .


  11. Effect of MLSS of DPB on Denitrifying Phosphorus Removal


  12. The change of the social assistance in EU policy has important revealing meaning to reform Minimum Living Standard Scheme ( MLSS ) in China .


  13. Six data of water supply quality is determined after process analysis , which are water volume , PH , temperature , COD , sulfide , MLSS .


  14. The MLSS of the sludge in the reactor with magnetic particles was obviously higher than that in the reactor without magnetic particles .


  15. The system usually has relatively shorter SRT and lower MLSS , especially the phenomenon is more obvious under the condition of low COD .


  16. As the diameter of granules increased , the settling velocity , wet density and MLVSS / MLSS increased .


  17. The parameters affecting the membrane efficiency include water head , MLSS , membrane flux , viscosity of mixing liquid , and cross-flow velocity .


  18. The MLSS was the rst large-scale study to compare surgical and nonoperative outcomes for lumbar disc herniation .


  19. The influence of MLSS on the rate of organism degradation was discussed , and the kinetic analysis on organism degradation and sludge increase was also made .


  20. Despite these limitations , the MLSS currently offers the best long-term follow-up data comparing surgery with nonoperative treatment for lumbar disc herniation .


  21. The results showed that the VSS had an increasing trend , while the MLSS and ashes were reduced during the anaerobic phosphorus release process .


  22. The possibility of shortcut nitrification-denitrification in porous granulated carrier-membrane bioreactor under high MLSS was explored .


  23. The experiment was conducted under high MLSS and appropriate DO , in conjunction with the sludge acclimatization technoloty through alternating batch and continuous feed .


  24. The effect of sludge loading on biological removal of phosphorus , nitrogen and organic matter was investigated by parallel experiments with changing concentration , flow rate of synthetic wastewater and MLSS .


  25. The MLSS . SVI in the aeration tank and the COD , TN , TP within a cycle ( 6 h ) .


  26. Activated sludge treatment method is used to remove pollutants in wastewater using activated sludge MLSS , the most widely used today is the sequence of activated sludge treatment method ( SBR ) .


  27. Without building new biochemical reaction tank and adding new sludge return system , anoxic / anaerobic / aerobic zones are set up in the existing biochemical reaction tank by improving MLSS .


  28. The ratio of MLVSS and MLSS in MBR with the condition of undischarged sludge was lower than that with the condition of discharged sludge .


  29. The experimental result showed that SBR process could gain better treatment effect , which COD removal was around 91 % . In a certain range , the higher MLSS concentration was , the better treatment effect was .


  30. The influence of volumetric oxygen consumption rate ( KO ), sludge oxygen consumption rate (Ψ O ) and MLSS parameters on the bio-flocculation rate and bioactivity of sludge was explored .
