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  • 网络类菌原体;内外侧斜位;侧斜位;内外斜位;斜位
  1. One showed 83 % homology to the Mlo gene of barley .


  2. Recent investigation showed that MLO was calmodulin binding protein ( CaM BP ) .


  3. The immuno-gold labeling technique for Mlo was studied in this paper .


  4. Characterization and Functional Analysis of APX and Mlo Genes in Muskmelon


  5. Overwintering of the rice orange leaf MLO in Guangdong Province


  6. Cell Biological Study on Bio-function of Barley Mlo Gene


  7. Advances in Mlo gene resistant to powdery mildew in barley


  8. Construction of Wheat Mlo Gene RNAi Vector and Molecular Screening of Wheat Mlo Anti-sense Gene Transformation


  9. The model of learning organization ( MLO ) focuses on cultivating the learning custom and ability of organization and its members .


  10. Detection of low-abundance protein Mlo with immuno-gold labeling technique


  11. Copy MLO onto the bootable FAT partition .


  12. The study of MLO protein 's immuno-cytochemical localization in wheat leaf and powder mildew pathogen was based on the antiserum .


  13. Conclusion The optimal position showing breast cancer is on MLO view , correctly positioning and moderately compressing is the key to the mammography .


  14. The unit-membrane of MLO are 10 nm thick and are 200-820 nm in diameter .


  15. Electron Microscopical Study on Mycoplasma-like Organism ( MLO ) on Willow Witches ' Broom in Xinjiang


  16. Eradication of Paulownia Witches ' Broom Agent ( MLO ) from Infected Plantlet by Meristem Tip Culture


  17. X-loader can also be loaded from a removable storage space ( such as an SD card ) in a signed file called MLO .


  18. Two peaks were seen in MLO protein accumulation 12 h and 48 h after inoculation , respectively , which was the critical period to pathogen infection and development .


  19. Needle injection reinoculation in healthy chinaberry seedlings with the MLO cultured in liquid media is followed after 70 days by typical symtoms .


  20. However , mlo , first discovered in barley , is a kind of plant genes which related to the broad-spectrum resistance to all the known races of the powdery mildew .


  21. Conclusion Axillary nodes with fatty infiltration is a common radiographic finding on daily MLO mammography , which has characteristic radiographic findings , recognition of these findings can facilitate differential diagnosis .


  22. The MLO protein , as CaM binding protein , had been presumed as a resistance-suppressing factor in the interaction between barley and its powdery mildew pathogen .


  23. A lot of mycoplasma-like organisms ( MLO ) were observed within the ultrathin sections of sieve cells in the infected tender shoots or phloem tissues with electron microscopy .


  24. The paulownia witches ' broom disease is thought to arise from a joint infection of MLO and virus , the former responsible for the yellow type of symptoms and the latter for systemic mosaic symptoms .


  25. Results : Displaying effect of group A was better than group B. The total success rate was 97.86 % and the optima dosage of contrast medium was 0.3 ~ 0.4 ml and the optima MLO angle was 60 ° .


  26. Both mycoplasma-like organisms ( MLO ) and rod-like virus particles [ 15 ×( 250 ~ 300nm . ) ] were detected in the paulownia trees infected with witches ' broom disease .


  27. Wild-Mlo gene functions as a negative regulator of resistance to barley powdery mildew . The mlo gene , recessive mutant alleles of the Mlo locus , confers broad-spectrum disease resistance to the powdery mildew fungus .


  28. A survey on paulownia witches ' broom disease caused by mycoplasma like organism ( MLO ) occurring in the urban areas of Beijing showed that the average disease incidence and index of two year old or more trees were 19.23 % and 10.27 , respectively .


  29. After the tissues from the root , shoot , petiole and callus of witches ' broom plants in vitro were dyed with DAPI , fluorescence microscopy showed that strong MLO specific fluorescence emitted from the sieve tubes of these tissues .


  30. The mycoplasma-like organism ( MLO ) causing bunchy top of chinaberry can be isor lated from diseased tissue or from the vector leafhopper , and inoculated both on aga and in liquid media for cultivation .
