- adv.无意识地;不费心思地;愚蠢地

Are you getting anything done or are you mindlessly surfing ?
A paper 's conclusion should reiterate , but not mindlessly list , the paper 's central points .
That we can 't just mindlessly continue the patterns of the past .
where you can sort of mindlessly eat as you 're talking ,
Even trained observers " were mindlessly led by the label , " Langer says .
A group of chileren started mindlessly hurling stones at passing vehicles .
It always amazes me how high-IQ people mindlessly imitate . I never get good ideas talking to other people .
If you eat mindlessly , you will most likely overeat .
Keep up with the trends , even think about how your work might fit in with them , but don 't mindlessly follow them .
Like tracking meals , tracking time keeps us from spending it mindlessly or lying to ourselves about what we do with it .
We mindlessly accept negative cultural cues about disease and old age , and these cues shape our self-concepts and our behavior .
Don 't hold mindlessly to only one aspect , at least don 't do that if you haven 't understood all of the other ones .
You need to make note of whether or not you were actually hungry , if you were mindlessly eating or if the food filled you up .
If you find yourself mindlessly snacking in front of the TV , make a rule only to eat when you 're focused on your food .
We reach for them mindlessly , setting our brains on autopilot and relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine .
Rather than mindlessly munching on whatever snacks are handy , bring your favorite treat from home and take the time to relish every bite .
Unlike previous versions , each extension will run against the CLR it was compiled for instead of mindlessly grabbing the most recent version .
Eating with others has not only emotional benefits but also means you 're not sitting in front of the television alone mindlessly moving your hand from chip bag to mouth .
Every kids were pampered with a huge jar of ice cream concoction and they were individually walloping their own serving mindlessly .
Rather than re-regulate mindlessly , the right solution is to set up a high-level commission , charged with proposing reforms of financial structure and regulation at global and domestic levels .
Plus , if your hands are occupied with dishes or laundry , you 'll be less likely to mindlessly snack & the other main occupational hazard associated with tube time .
As he and my mother sat across the table discussing the renovation , my mother slipped off her shoes and mindlessly soothed Lacy with her feet .
In fact , most of them will probably be so mindlessly awkward you 'll try to chew through your own tongue just to keep from having to continue speaking .
Kowalski found that those who complained were indeed happier , but only if they complained with the intent of achieving a certain goal rather than just mindlessly complaining .
Pavlok was created by Maneesh Sethi , a blogger who became Internet-famous when he hired a woman to slap him every time he mindlessly opened Facebook .
Turn the music or TV down because noises distract you and you tend to eat more mindlessly . You become less responsible for what food you eat and how much of it you eat .
But cats " hearing develops differently and " we mindlessly turn on music " for them , said Charles Snowdon , an emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who worked with Mr. Teie on the project .